It is time to re-state the purpose of this Group
From 3/17/13, shortly after this Group was formed:
The SOP defines this group as about ACTIVISM
This forum is about promoting legislative and cultural changes toward gun proliferation at the federal, state, and municipal level. It is not about debating whether further gun control is necessary. Those debates continue to take place in RKBA. This group is to encourage action, to bring about effective change. It has an entirely different purpose from RKBA. That is the idea I initially proposed three months ago, and that is the SOP members agreed to in supporting this group. This should not be mistaken for a gungeon lite. Input from all members, including gun owners, interested in taking action to limit gun proliferation and lessen gun violence are welcome. The effectiveness and likelihood of enactment of particular reforms falls within the SOP of this group, but challenging gun control does not.
To those of you who have a sad because of a ban, I suggest that you get over it. The only "discussion" this Group is interested in, is how to reduce gun violence, and enact sensible gun control legislation. Coy, "tee-hee," Gungeon-like pro-gunner remarks will produce a ban every time.