Feminism and Diversity
Related: About this forumWomen of Color Seen As Always Sexually Available
"As with all things racial, the intersection of race and sexuality is complicated. It's complicated by the ways race and economic class intersect, by the history of slavery in the United States and around the world, by the fact that race is both an utterly bogus way to look at people and simultaneously very real.
And yet while it's definitely not simple, it sure is important to think about.
Consider, for example, the image of the "innocent virgin." Picture her in your mind's eye. Maybe take a moment now to draw a picture of her, or write down a description of what she looks like.
What did you draw or describe? Was it a white girl with long hair? Maybe blond, blue-eyed, or freckle-faced? If it was, it's not an accident. Because we live in a racist society that values white girls more than girls of color, we tend to imagine that purity is pale." <snip>
VERY interesting article imo.
Why is this so? Media stereotypes, including the "Love you long time" cliche of Asian women? America's slavery past? Europe's colonial past?
Do any of the the women of color on her experience that, or have experienced that? I think all women get that to some extent, but I do think the "exotic" or "ho" media influence is probably significant in how certain women are treated.
I do hope we hear from some of you on this.
(19,288 posts)In media coverage when a young blue eyed blond disappears vs a young woman of color.
(30,151 posts)in media and in real life--
having dated black and white women and been on a bar scene in previous life for a decade, nope. You are 100 times more likely to find a white women being described as "easy" versus a black woman.
signed, From the real World
(11,045 posts)What a crock. This is media USA, not a bar.
Per the Op: 100x more "easy" white kids versus a black kids? When one goes missing. freakout ... what's the color of their skin again? Drink up, a whole lot up.
(29,047 posts)I'm interested in reading this thread's replies.
(34,144 posts)In Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America
Yes - it's true. I see where a man up thread responded that has been on the bar scene for a really really long time and has dated black and white women has responded no.
Dating vs. Being . . . Only those who are can understand. I would say my husband and my mother 'get it'. . . but I came from a white woman and I'm married to a white man.
Though I am bi-racial or rather multi-racial (black, european, native) - I identify for all intents and purposes as black.
And in that experience of a black woman in America - yes . . . definitely the 'stereotypes' exist in the media. It then is extended to the psyche of my fellow Americans, though it is a 'harmless bias'. I.E. They can't help it anymore than they can help seeing Red, White and Blue and thinking American Flag.
To op - read that book. It's why we are dismissed as 'Angry' because there are many of us that think that silly little movie about 'black maids' that supposedly 'solved the racial divide question in America - is indeed silly. And no where does represent the Black Female American experience as a whole. Though - folks would like to think it does. Read Sister Citizen - change the dialogue within and have the answer to your question!
Response to obamanut2012 (Original post)
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