Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumRolling Jubilee: A Bailout by The People for The People. $15, 000,000 bought and disposed of!
I think it would be hard to disagree that this is one of the most brilliant programs so far. Too bad that Congress saw fit to force the people to bail out the Wall St Bankers and left the People to fend for themselves.
Maybe they just couldn't figure out a way to help the victims of those they bailed out. They are hopefully paying attention to OWS' Strike Debt which, according to Andrew Ross, a member of Strike Debt, was intended to be a 'public education' program regarding something known as the 'secondary debt market':
Occupy Wall St. Activists Buy $15 Million Personal Debt
So far, and according to Rolling Jubilee, they bought all that debt for 'pennies on the dollar' and have relieved over 2,600 people of crushing debt. The cost to them for doing this was approximately $400,000. Imagine the profit there is in this secondary debt market. I'm there is insurance involved also, to cover the creditors.
Apparently buying people's debt really is big business.
No one should have to go into debt or bankruptcy because they get sick, said Laura Hanna, an organiser with the group. Hanna said 62% of all personal bankruptcies have medical debt as a contributing factor.
The way it works apparently, when people do not or cannot pay their debts, companies sell the debt VERY CHEAPLY to a 'secondary debt market'. Much more cheaply, according to Ross, than even he realized. The purchasers of the debt then attempt to collect all of it from the debtors, pressuring them with calls and threats etc.
Rolling Jubilee buys the debt, but rather than try to collect it, they forgive it, contacting the debtors to let them know 'you are off the hook'. Imagine the joy for people when they learn their debt has been paid?
Here's the reaction of one of those people:
Occupy Activists Buy Up People's Personal Debt
Then one day, out of the blue, she received a letter saying the $983 debt had been handled -- purchased by Rolling Jubilee, a group linked to the Occupy Wall Street movement.
"I was dumbfounded but delighted, of course," Logsdon, who is retired along with her husband of 62 years, told AFP.
"We got a letter saying that everything had been resolved -- finally it is over, you don't have to worry, you don't owe us anything. (...) I didn't know these people. It was a godsend."
If a bunch of OWS activists could be this creative in finding a way to bail out the people, surely Congress, if they put their minds to it, could come up with something at least as creative. And although, as Strike Debt admits, what they have done so far is simply a drop in the bucket in terms of helping people like this, imagine what Congress could do with all the money and power THEY have?
There is something very wrong with a country when being sick plunges you into massive debt or trying to get an education. And when this happens, that predatory profiteers can extract huge profits by buying that debt and then persecuting people already mired in problems they cannot handle.
And worse, how differently the corrupt Wall St Bankers' debt is handled by contrast.
Thanks Occupiers, for removing the notion that 'nothing can be done' for the people. And for providing those burdened with debt with information on how cheaply their debt has been purchased. As Andrew Ross says:
Btw, Rolling Jubilee got the money to purchase the debt from donors. So thanks to all those great people who actually DO care. People can donate at the first link, I believe, if they can.

(16,402 posts)[font color="navy" face="Verdana"]Love OSW Rolling Jubilee!
(860 posts)Good going, Rolling jubilee!
I know you already said so, but I too would encourage people to donate.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)the more people understand what they are doing, and what is possible when there is a will to do it, the better, imo.
I love what they are doing. It's also great that they themselves underestimated how successful they would be.
And I agree, the more donations they receive the better. I haven't seen them ask very often.
Imagine what Congress could do if they put a few million into running some kind of program to help bail out the people?
They had no problem figuring out how to bail out their Wall St Buddies, with trillions.
(860 posts)the better. I was one of the lucky ones that found out about them just after Occupy, so I managed to donate a little here and there after that. But since there are still so many that aren't aware that they're around and doing the right thing, a little extra coverage never hurt.
It's really mindboggling how much congress COULD do to help struggling families, if they didn't get caught up in the drama and politics. They've lost their way. They should be working for the people, not Wall St. That's why it's so good to have RJ around, because they shine a light on a really sketchy phenomenon.
(39,909 posts)You haven't been keeping up with DU!!!
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)I didn't think so! But I get a kick out of the desperate attempts to spread the rumor for whatever reason.
(39,909 posts)Check it out for a few laughs.
The denial is mind boggling.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)OWS is Dead! Do you remember when OWS first marched in NYC BEFORE they even reached Zuccotti Park? They were declared 'dead' because the eternally optimistic, in denial, Wall St defenders pointed out they had 'expected 10,000 marchers and there were only 2,000. So hopeful they are, always cheering on the failure of anything that threatens the status quo.
But their dreams of failure collapsed when the always obliging thugs from Bloomberg's Army, which we used to think was a Civilian Police Force, brutally attacked a few innocent women who were doing nothing wrong and for once the MSM actually covered it. Instantly OWS was joined by tens of thousands of patriotic citizens who had the weird notion that beating up women exercising their 1st Amendment rights was totally unacceptable.
I'll say one thing about Wall St's supporters, they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer! Single handedly, the NYPD rocketed OWS to fame and success beyond their wildest dreams. We thanked them at the time.
It has to be a talking point from some memo that goes out. OWS is DEAD! Maybe if they keep saying it might eventually be true, ten years from now.
(29,409 posts)Last time I looked their transparency page didn't list the board members. Nice to see David Graeber on the board, that gives it a lot of cred. I'd been hesitant to donate to them because of that, but I think I'll go give 'em some money right now. Thanks for the update!
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)I'm not familiar with David Graeber but you seem to have confidence in him so that's good to know.
(29,409 posts)Called, crazily enough, Debt: The First 5,000 Years. Averages 4 stars on amazon.com and 4.23 stars on goodreads (over 2200 individual ratings between the two sites).
His basic premise: debt has existed since before there was money. Absolutely fascinating and puts a lot of our current mess in a truly long-term historical context.
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)and Graeber's writing style is quite enjoyable to read.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)list.
Now I understand why you were happy to see him involved.