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Last edited Mon Jul 22, 2013, 02:11 PM - Edit history (1)
From the Good Reads forum:
Court: Chevron Can Seize Americans' Email Data (activists/journalists)
Obama attorney: NSA programs are legal
While You Were Distracted By Obama.. A Bombshell In The IRS Scandal Hit
Turkish court gives go-ahead to demolish Gezi Park
Mission Creep: When Everything Is Terrorism
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 20 Jul
Latest big NSA disclosure from Laura Poitras/others in Germany: Der Spiegel: German Intelligence Used NSA Spy Program
The FBI Is Approaching Seattle Climate-Change Activists #OccupySeattle
Julian Sanchez @normative
NSA does 3 hops. On average, 4.74 hops gets you to the ENTIRE INTERNET.

(4,062 posts)Especially this paragraph:
A recent Atlantic essay asks, somewhat facetiously, "If PRISM is so good, why stop with terrorism?" The author's point was to discuss the value of the Fourth Amendment, even if it makes the police less efficient. But it's actually a very good question. Once the NSA's ubiquitous surveillance of all Americans is complete -- once it has the ability to collect and process all of our emails, phone calls, text messages, Facebook posts, location data, physical mail, financial transactions, and who knows what else -- why limit its use to cases of terrorism? I can easily imagine a public groundswell of support to use to help solve some other heinous crime, like a kidnapping. Or maybe a child-pornography case. From there, it's an easy step to enlist NSA surveillance in the continuing war on drugs; that's certainly important enough to warrant regular access to the NSA's databases. Or maybe to identify illegal immigrants. After all, we've already invested in this system, we might as well get as much out of it as we possibly can. Then it's a short jump to the trivial examples suggested in the Atlantic essay: speeding and illegal downloading. This "slippery slope" argument is largely speculative, but we've already started down that incline.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)as well as TransCanada teaching police to identify and treat peaceful activists as terrorists, the Trend should be breath-takingly obvious.
(4,062 posts)Then again, reading the plank carefully I guess the words really aren't in there:
I should have read this first:
(14,656 posts)current position. I should print them out and put them aside. In the future when someone asks how we were 'taken over', I'll pull these out for some insight.
I think what is surprising to many here on DU is that all of the above is occurring under a Democratic administration. It is very difficult to swallow. We were all on our toes when bush was in office and I think we felt safe with the election of President Obama. I wish flowery language and sentimentality could make the 'intrusions' go away.....but I don't think they will. imho
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)That was a very short lived victory for Gezi park.
Nice to see ya around.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)It is only a matter of time before I tell the truth and am banned.