Hope hasn't popped. Local celebrity 57th Street corn is revived after uprooting.
From https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2020/08/20/hope-hasnt-popped-sioux-falls-57th-street-corn-cornelia-revived-after-uprooting/5616128002/
Hope hasn't popped. Local celebrity 57th Street corn is revived after uprooting.
Makenzie Huber
Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Jackson Theisen, 6, and Madison Theisen, 13, pose next to Cornelia, previously known as the 57th Street corn, after helping transplant it into a five gallon bucket Wednesday. The plant was uprooted by an unknown culprit earlier in the week.
The 57th Street corn is alive!
While the resilient corn, grown from a crack in the sidewalk along 57th Street and Minnesota Avenue, was uprooted by an unknown culprit earlier this week, a Sioux Falls resident saved the corn from drying out on the concrete Wednesday morning.
Chad Theisen, a Sioux Falls realtor, drove with his children to the southern Sioux Falls intersection around 10 a.m. Wednesday. A sign reading "CORN RIP" was attached to a traffic post above the abandoned stalk on the side of the road. But Theisen picked up the discarded corn and placed it in the back of his vehicle.
Theisen, who grew up on a farm north of Sioux Falls, called several farmers and "corn experts" to get their opinion on how to revive the unofficial Sioux Falls mascot.