Ring in the Cronies! McCaulley Takes Charge of Noem Administration
As expected, the man who will really be running the state under the Noem/Rhoden Adminstration is high-priced lobbyist and lawyer Matt McCaulley. Team Noem announces that McCaulley will run her transition team:
Matt McCaulley will chair the transition team. McCaulley is a partner with Redstone Law Firm in Sioux Falls, and has previously served as legal counsel to Governor-elect Noem for nearly a decade. He served in the State House of Representatives from 2001-2004, and also served as the chair of the House Judiciary Committee in 2003-2004 [Governor-Elect Kristi Noem, press release, via Dakota War College, 2018.11.09].
McCaulley was among Noems elite fundraisers this year. He led the Redstone legal team that kept us from voting on Initiated Measure 26, a plan to lower prescription drug prices. After griping and moaning about the violations of petition law committed by IM 26 circulators, McCaulley griped and moaned about Secretary of State Shantel Krebss enforcement of campaign finance law against Noems law-breaking running mate Larry Rhoden.
McCaulley helped write the 2017 Special Session legislation on nonmeandered waters. In his lobbying for the Corn Growers, McCaulley has helped block attempts to fix the ag land assessment system that Senator Al Novstrup says is broken.
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