Bjorkman Talks Universal Health Care & Minimum Wage, Challenges Reporters
SNIP from link above:
Bjorkmans first response, on why hes running for Congress, reveals a deeply humanitarian, service-oriented motivation. He served the public for years as a judge. The problems he saw from the benchmental health, drug addiction, health care in generalaffect not just the defendants who came before him but their families and especially their children.
Another snip (with a snip-in-a-snip, if you will)
At 3:13, Bjorkman says three magic words: universal health care.
Theres a solution to our problems. All the other countries that are developed have developed it. Heritage magazine did a study of the most economically free countries in the world
ten of the eleven more economically free countries than the United States all had universal health care. Thats Heritage Foundation. Forbes magazine addressed it [Tim Bjorkman, press conference, 2017.07.13, timestamp 2:50].
This guy's got a shot, unless Putin gets involved again.