This message was self-deleted by its author
This message was self-deleted by its author (Xyzse) on Sat Aug 22, 2015, 09:48 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(72,174 posts)better to know than to twist in the wind. she might not tell you what you want to know. and she might be bugged by your letter. but, ya gotta do what you gotta do.
i went through this with a long, long time friend. she decided i had lost my mind. decided i was harming my kids, and telling lies about them to get attention.
to this day i have no idea why.
i was upset and angry. when i tried to contact her/them (married couple buds of hubby and i) it was impossible to keep the anger out of it. she found it very threatening.
i could only assume it was either my teenage daughter or my husband telling stories about me. both deny that to this day.
probably the most frustrating situation of my whole life.
i feel ya.
(8,217 posts)It is a way for me to organize my thoughts.
It really sucks. I don't even have anger in me. I am one of those pathetic types that feel like a little abandoned puppy that just goes off to the side and goes off saying nobody likes me.
However, you are definitely right in making it shorter.
I am mostly saving this, for if and when she starts talking to me again.
So, if I were asked, I can at least re-organize my thoughts, and know how I am feeling at this current time, in a future date.
(72,174 posts)good way to organize thoughts and boil it down.