Weather Watchers
Related: About this forumsnoiw in sonora ca.!
elevation 1800 feet .
sky 100 % cloudy.
temp 34 degrees f.
precip. snow
winds o
dew point 31 degrees f
visibility 0.25 mi
rainfall 0.0 4 in
snow depth 0.2 in.
raging moderate
(4,539 posts)When I have to drive in snow, I let the slow, tinkly sugarplum fairy music play in my mind, to help me drive slowly and tentatively enough. And treat your brakes and accelerator VERY GENTLY! Oh, and watch out for people who don't realize how badly they will slide on the snow and ice.
(2,897 posts)North Willamette Valley. Temperature about 30 degrees, elevation about 200 feet. Every major road in the area is a tied up mess. And, the temperatures are expected to drop into the 20's tonight, with wind chill in the single digits or below. Our local transit authority is offering free rides to warming shelters. Mother Nature sent us a February Surprise! The Ground Hog was right.