Intense, long-lasting snow event to kick in across Michigan for Thanksgiving weekend
Intense, long-lasting snow event to kick in across Michigan for Thanksgiving weekend
Published: Nov. 27, 2024, 10:26 a.m.
By Tanda Gmiter |
So how much snow are we looking at with a pretty intense lake-effect system
kicking in late on Thanksgiving Day? You know that when you see the National Weather Service meteorologists telling people to make sure they have their winter emergency kits stashed in their vehicles, that we might be in for a doozy.
Forecasters are now calling this a lake-effect snow event that will start late Thursday with a blast of Arctic temperatures. Theres the potential for several inches of snow in West Michigan, a couple inches in Southeast Michigan, and more than a foot of snow in some spots in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Blowing and drifting snow will also be a concern.
This will only add to the snow load the U.P. has already seen this week, with some spots reporting up to 7 inches as of early today.
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Here are the areas where the most snow could accumulate in Northern Michigan later this week.NWS