Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumChristian Nationalism 'On the March': Oklahoma Mandates Bible Teachings in Public Schools
"It's not just happening in Oklahoma; we're seeing it from Texas to West Virginia, from Florida to Idaho."
U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) endorsed the policy on Wednesday, saying, "I think there's a number of states trying to look to do the same thing, and I don't think it's offensive in any way." Last weekend, former president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump also expressed support for the requirement, saying it could be "the first major step in the revival of religion, which is desperately needed in our country."
Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which has launched a legal challenge against the Louisiana law, said Thursday that Walters' policy is "textbook Christian nationalism" and "a transparent, unconstitutional effort to indoctrinate and religiously coerce public school students."
"Public schools are not Sunday schools," said Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United. "Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters has repeatedly made clear that he is incapable of distinguishing the difference and is unfit for office." That effort, Walters' announcement, and Louisiana's Ten Commandments law all illustrate that "Christian nationalism is on the march across this country," said Laser.
"Christian nationalists and their lawmaker allies want to replace school counselors with religious chaplains; allow teachers and coaches to pray with students; teach Creationism in science classes; and ban books and censor curricula that feature LGBTQ+ people and racial and religious minorities."

(41,406 posts)This is not a Christian nation. If it were we would not be the land of the free. Johnson and his ilk have no use for the separation stuff. And yet Ive not heard the intentions of Churchs attempting to codify their religious beliefs to voluntarily give up their tax exempt status. We havent heard that because it would be the right thing to do. A display of honesty and integrity if you will. If only Jesus would return to earth and have a come to Jesus moment with those who profit from a bible.
(8,919 posts)I consider religions to be the destroyers of humanity. Not Religion itself - a person can believe anything they like but the idea of forcing others to follow their beliefs is evil and not their privilege.
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross. - Sinclair Lewis
(10,762 posts)Where the hell are the Good Guy with a Bible.
All these fake ass Christians that use Jesus as a Prop, have attached Bump Stocks on their BuyBulls and are spewing bull shit like bullets, that are literally getting people killed, with dreams of killing many many more. We need much more GOOD Christians that should stand up for their faith and stop the high jacking of their God.
I cant wait for Johns coming book, The Separation of Church and HATE.
I wish John would offer a pack of pocket size Flash Cards that counter every right wing warped version of a verse and details their stupidity of said Bible.
Otherwise, God is dead and religion has become a sick deadly cult. (maybe always has been)
(113,131 posts)and see how that one would go over. and how far I'd get.
(847 posts)Having the Bible taught as an academic subject could pose a problem for fundamentalists. History class could teach that the Noah's ark story was derived from more ancient Mesopotamian myths. Physics class could illustrate that the ark, as described, couldn't float. Biology class could illustrate that only two animals of a given species do not provide sufficient genetic diversity to establish a population. The Bible may convey certain spiritual truths that can be communicated in a religious setting, but such truths will be obscured in any honest academic setting where facts reign over "truth".
(1,714 posts)if the current trend is not successfully blocked, a national theocratic dystopia, unthinkable just a few years ago, will become a very real possibility.
(51,079 posts)GiqueCee
(1,904 posts)... has been a tool of control and manipulation since its inception, and the greatest fomenter of hatred and intolerance in the history of humanity. Christian Nationalism is a virulent cancer, that is metastasizing at an exponential rate. It must be excised at any cost, and its malign influence on legislation exposed, condemned, and crushed.
Irredeemably corrupt politicians exploit religious fervor and gullibility the same way that Jim Jones exploited his pitifully desperate followers, and for much the same reason: An insatiable craving for ruthless dominion over the lives of others.
Talibangelicals (courtesy of Timeflyer!) do little or nothing for their congregations, they only take. Witness Creflo Dollar berating his followers a few years ago for not buying him yet ANOTHER jet plane.
I taught Sunday School when I was young, but I was criticized for asking too many questions, Why do you think they call it "faith", I was told. Now, I utterly reject religion, but I am not prejudiced; I despise all religions equally.
Sean Andalou
(22 posts)It's all about playing to their voters.