Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumWrote this back in 2015 under the nom de plume, Unh Huh and The Yeah Whatevers

I was comin' apart at the seams.
My Jesus, all I could see...
Sure God, was dwellin' in me.
Wrestling desperately, flailing and wild.
Hoping against hope, that it could be true...
Jesus would love me, but what could I do?
Sure I'd burn after this for my actions.
Knew I just had to believe.
Took decades for me to break free.
Wrestling desperately, flailing and wild.
Hoping against hope, that it could be true...
Jesus would love me, but what could I do?
A dreamin' and always a fearin'...
That Jesus would come back and set me on fire...
All the while Satan, wearing a smile.
At peace with the facts, just do what I can.
False hope is blinding, faith in a lie.
Take your time, look closer, just analyze.
Our country's sordid history of enshrining "closely held beliefs" as the law of the land ensures the ongoing inculcation of each subsequent generation of those that will suffer and dispense suffering in the name of their "god".
I perceive it as a government funded ongoing mass crime against humanity.
May reason rule wherever we may dwell!
Happy Thursday y'all and remember..
Life is short, so ya' better...
Laissez bon temps rouler!
No matter what you do!
Doubt is my "savior"... Reason is my "god"!

(8,178 posts)Have you tried putting it to music?
(2,475 posts)I'm currently revisiting the poem, because I've found that as I've been able to set them to music and sing them aloud, the wounds heal even further.
I wrote and performed a number of my other works occasionally in Dallas and Shreveport from around 2004 to 2010.
I still sing my favorites at home and with friends today.
My personal favorites of mine in no particular order are: Posse Commie Ta Tas, Odd To Say, Flag of My Heart, Comfort of Misery, and Good Time Defenders.
I called the collection No Mo Cheese Mo.
They all have a Creative Commons Attribution BY license that allows anyone to: copy, distribute and transmit work. adapt work. make commercial use of the work under the condition that the user must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests they endorse the user or their use of the work).
I have the majority of my work posted within the online Chordie Forum.
I play guitar and sing.
Do you enjoy setting things to music?
(23,944 posts)children is code for those just learning his teachings. Paul uses the same comparison, infants who can only handle baby food.
(2,475 posts)MayReasonRule
(2,475 posts)Religion obscures and deceives.
Mythology examines "Faith". Mythology embraces Doubt, the basis of Reason. Mythology reveals and informs.
I'm in favor of teaching Mythology to children, it dissects religious delusions.
I'm opposed to teaching Religion to children, it inculcates delusion.
As far as the textual implications of the "code", while I agree that's the historical inference of the time, it's merely a footnote of a failed paradigm.
May reason rule!
(11,692 posts)Right wing atheists and liberal atheists?
Like this post, liberal atheist want to free people from religion. They want children to grow up without the fear of a creepy guy in the sky watching them or the dread of ending up in hell. They want people to stop killing each other in the name of differing gods. They want punitive religious doctrines to be removed from our justice system.
While right wing atheist don't want to end religion. They think religions and gods are necessary for the control of the masses. They don't need gods but everyone else does. Right wing atheist think they are smarter and more capable than most everyone else. So, they don't need gods but you do.
I think the inculcation of these right wingers kind of backfired.....or maybe not.
(2,475 posts)Machiavelli leads "winners" to "saving their souls"..
The prize it turns out, is not quite what they thought...
Darwin is waiting with awards down below.
You're dead on point.
We're currently in the middle of America's Spanish Inquisition Y'all Qaeda style courtesy of the Nat-C Fascist GOP.
Inculcation is the "opiate of the masses".
Inculcation by any other name still destroys the same.
May reason rule!