Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumListen to this lady's speech at a Colorado Spgs city council meeting.
As many of you are Im sure aware, Colorado Springs is a seriously right wing town, home of the Focus on the Family bullshitters, the church of the hypocrite, disgraced pastor/homophobe and self hating gay man Ted Haggard as well as the U.S. Air Force Academy, which the evangelicals have infiltrated to a huge degree.
Anyway, the School Board and the City Council have been getting pushback of late regarding their anti LGBTQ and pro evangelical Christianity policies and this woman tells it like it is;
The entire TikTok account is well worth having a look at, as a there are a bunch of vids showing just how off the rails many on the School Board and City Council really are.
BTW, This is the town that 12 years ago cut taxes so much in its efforts to be right wing, that their own city parks and street lights fell into disrepair, such that the citizens had to collect the trash from the parks to keep them usable.

Historic NY
(38,605 posts)AllyCat
(17,603 posts)the 4th highest assault rate in the nation according to our security services. We had to have escort service from the library to our dorms half a block away. A friend was sexually assaulted walking to her house for lunch.
For all their religiosity, I have never felt so unsafe living anywhere else as I did living there.
(51,079 posts)I've listened to foz newz and the only crime they talk about is in NYC and San Francisco.
(20,055 posts)No mention of Gary Indiana, however. The cold steel supply line to Chicago.
(51,079 posts)paleotn
(20,055 posts)efhmc
(15,242 posts)AllyCat
(17,603 posts)Have zero interest in going back.
(24,743 posts)Go up the mountain, back down and bugger off!
I was there for a short period a few months back. No real desire to stay, but one must give credit to the strong progressives in Co. Springs, as they are fighting back against this bullshit as best they can.
vacation there many years ago and always figured it was right wing there because of the Air Force academy.
liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)multigraincracker
(35,079 posts)to speak the truth
(11,856 posts)AllyCat
(17,603 posts)progressoid
(51,079 posts)

(113,131 posts)That confirmed the prejudices of every single zealot in the room that the "others" were the enemies of their holy faith and getting anywhere near any of them would send them to hell. They immediately shut down, bet the rent on that.
Yes, it was a great speech for everybody in attendance who wasn't a zealot, especially by pointing out that preaching from the school board's dais wasn't their job, that education was their job.
Dobson is now 86, both he and FOTF still lumbering along like wounded rhinos, neither as powerful as they once were as the young are deserting the hateful Evangelicals. One hopes that once he kicks the bucket, FOTF will soon follow. They've both done so much damage to Colorado, to the country, to families, and especially to children.