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Gun-Toting Christian Extremist Threatens Atheists In Tennessee
June 26, 2017 by Michael Stone
Terror for Jesus: A gun-toting, evolution-denying, Bible-thumping, Christian extremist is threatening atheists in Tennessee.
Long time Christian activist Pastor June Griffin of the American Bible Protestant Church is making subtle and not-so-subtle threats against atheists and other freethinkers behind a new statue of legendary lawyer and rationalist Clarence Darrow.
The statue is set to be dedicated on Friday, July 14, in front of the site of the historic Scopes evolution trial: the Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, Tennessee.
Declaring that an atheist is not on an equal footing with the Christian, Griffin told WRCB that she is not happy with new statue, and suggested that she and others would take the law into their own hands if the statue goes up as planned.

(4,033 posts)more info from FFRF:
(this is what has the christian so upset)
FFRF proudly underwrites Clarence Darrow statue
June 20, 2017
The Freedom From Religion Foundation, thanks to the support of its members nationwide, is proudly underwriting an impressive monument to the eminent civil libertarian who fought perhaps the most famous legal battle in U.S. history.
The statue of legendary lawyer and rationalist Clarence Darrow is to be dedicated on Friday, July 14, right in front of the site of the historic Scopes evolution trial: the Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, Tenn.
A local statue of Darrow's legal adversary, William Jennings Bryan, given to the county by the William Jennings Bryan College, inspired talented sculptor Zenos Frudakis, FFRF and others to seek to remedy the "missing link." Darrow will soon take his rightful place adjacent to Bryan on the courthouse lawn. Darrow defended John Scopes when he was charged with teaching evolution at the 1925 "trial of the century."
Frudakis, based in Philadelphia, is creating the 7-foot bronze statue of the famed attorney, to be installed July 13 upon a 3-foot high base. Frudakis is a renowned American sculptor who has created an extensive, award-winning collection of more than 100 bronze sculptures in public and private collections. FFRF is contributing the lion's share of costs: $150,000, made possible through the generosity of its members.
(31 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)I am going to try to ask for a couple of vacation days from work around the 14th. It's probably a 6 hour drive from me, but the pics would be a hit if I made a thread and posted them on here. Granny Clampett is going to get thrown in jail would be my best guess.
(28,290 posts)Won't that be a sight.
(10,364 posts)Soon...
Eat shit and die you deluded piece of shit. Your sky daddy is no more real than Zeus, Allah, Ra, Isis, Osiris or Apollo. There are 1,000s of conceptions of 'god' and they are ALL equally invalid, contradictory and FALSE.

(3,813 posts)From :
"Joe Walsh, a former congressman from Illinois, tweeted Wednesday that he would be 'grabbing my musket' if Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump loses the Nov. 8 election.'
. . .
"Walsh told Yahoo News that he was 'talking metaphorically' and was not advocating violence.'
'Were going to protest. Were going to boycott. Were going to picket. Were going to march on Washington. Were going to stop paying taxes. Were going to practice civil disobedience. Whatever it takes,' Walsh told Yahoo."
(16,953 posts)can't be letting free thinkers run loose....
(13,897 posts)Jesus loves the little chil-dren,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow black and white
June will shoot them all on sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
That's for you, June. Your threats are as sick as the belief system you learned them from.
... now tell me the story of Jesus. How does it go?
(28,290 posts)I know the atheists down there and am sure the majority of them aren't afraid of this Annie Oakley preacher.
(6,876 posts)First, we'll have a little look-see at 1 Corinthians 14:34:
"Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."
Next, let's have a look at 1 Timothy 2:12:
"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence".
This June Griffin person is obviously a heretic. I know, because i found some stuff in the Bible that backs me up.
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)Might have to venture into TN. Guess I'll be packing.
(48,730 posts)I'll give her a hand up soon as she gets close, though.