Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumanother group I didn't know existed on DU
who the f*ck would put an atheist group under "religion and spirituality"?!
I have just read a great book by Sam Harris, entitled Waking Up: Spirituality without religion. He strips religious dogma from meditation practices, and as a meditator, I find it very useful.

(13,029 posts)How about people who recognize that whackadoodle religious beliefs and their negative effect on society are issues of great importance to atheists, not to mention the fundamental question of whether religions have any basis in physical fact in the first place?
Good enough for you?
(2,453 posts)I asked that same question about the organization of the A&A group when I first joined. The only good explanation is someone's sense of irony.
and just curious: why was your response so nasty? I still think it's a perfectly legitimate question.
(3,865 posts)that is the DU default isn't it?
(7,010 posts)We don't believe in religion or a God(s) because there is no evidence either is true.
(13,029 posts)the two are not the same, though many people are both.
(7,010 posts)Iggo
(48,733 posts)I'm not antitheist because I'm not generally against (anti-) those who believe in gods (theists). I know for a fact they exist. And I don't want to convert them, brainwash them, or obliterate them. So I'm not antitheist.
I'm just a person who can't believe in gods, and that's because there are no gods evident.
(9,116 posts)Ergo, an "anti-theist" stands against religion, not theists.
I am not against theists. I don't want to convert them, brainwash them, or obliterate them. I'm an anti-theist because I don't think religion deserves a privileged place in our society no matter how many people get the warm and fuzzies because of it.
Response to Act_of_Reparation (Reply #38)
Iggo This message was self-deleted by its author.
mr blur
(7,753 posts)Don't know why. Perhaps they thought it was amusing. Perhaps they think that Atheism Is A Religion (many do)
(7,010 posts)Iggo
(48,733 posts)Because then they'd have to imagine that none of it is real.
And they won't do that.
(7,010 posts)their head in agreement, but if you tell them the story of a man living in a live fish in the ocean for 3 best believe they believe it is true.
(6,604 posts)But sort of half-wondered the same thing about the Buddhism group. Philosophy, or spiritualism?
(3,865 posts)Is philosophy under "religion"? That's stupid.
"Spiritualism" - I guess that is like Madam Ofensky?
(6,604 posts)that seems to be the admins' call.
(I dont think the philosophy group is categorized in the Religion group, FWIW.)
Personally, I gave up trying to figure out a lot of what goes on around here a long time ago.
Only thing I'm really sure about is that imaginary beings are just that, and I arrived here already certain of that.
(9,356 posts)But in here we mostly laugh at that idea. So feel free to express yourself. Worst that'll happen is one of the many spies who look over our shoulders may Alert on you.
"Spiritualism" - I guess that is like Madam Ofensky?
Did you mean Helena Blavatsky, the Woo-Woo version of Joseph Smith, founder of Theosophy, etc etc? Yeah, she was a spiritualist and occultist. And a whomping big fraud.
While I'm nitpicking, I think her honorific would be "Madame." With a "Madam" being the proprietor of a whorehouse. OTOH, when talking about peddlers of woo and religion, "Madam" fits them perfectly.
(3,865 posts)I find the most recent book by renowned atheist Sam Harris very useful and entertaining.
I plan to read his others.
Anyone familiar with him?
mr blur
(7,753 posts)Deals with the conflict/clash between faith and reason.
(468 posts)Where else would you put put it? Atheism is after all at least related to religion in being defined as the lack of it.
(7,886 posts)but Arts & Humanities isn't right either.
(9,630 posts)progressoid
(51,087 posts)edhopper
(35,578 posts)it is a forum where religion is the main topic.
None of the regular posters seem to mind where it is.
Does it really matter what group it is in?
To the OP: Since you are so outraged about it..."who the fuck!"...where do you think it should be to fit into your categorization.
(3,865 posts)I value logic - I don't believe in the supernatural.
and since I value logic I don't see why atheism is under religion.
Since things are not usually defined by what they are not.
Why would an atheist group have as "the main topic" religion?
That's like a vegetarian group talking about meat.
Sure a vegie group may discuss the bad things about meat- but certainly not make meat the "main topic".
I'm not outraged, I just thot it was weird. no matter really.
I guess most posters are more interested in discussing this, than in talking about books.
I'd rather talk about ideas.
(35,578 posts)and we talk about religion.
Start a thread about something and we will talk about it.
(3,865 posts)equal time for free thought?
mission statement:
"To explore and represent an evidence-based world view, thereby providing a forum for social change based on secular humanism, scientific naturalism, and healthy skepticism."
what is your opinion?
Is there more to atheism/agnosticism than raging against religion?
(35,578 posts)but honestly, this forum is a place people use to mostly rage about and poke fun at religion. I would say there is much more humor here than anger. For many. talking about religion in their public lives isn't possible, so this is a safe space for it.
But I don't think people here see that as the main aspect of their lives. More like an outlet.
There is a Science forum and a Pseudoscience/Skeptic forum as well. That might be were people post on those subjects.
(18,219 posts)so let me do that. Glad that you found the group. Many of us have read Sam Harris and other atheist writers. I have not read the book you just read, but that is because the title would turn me off. Personally, I am not interested in "spirituality" either.
Hope you enjoy it here...and ignore the ones who are nasty.
mr blur
(7,753 posts)Well, there are no nasty atheists here. But - we do get the occasional theist dropping in to show us how smart they are. Like that ever works.
But, ellenrr, Curmudgeoness is quite right, welcome to the group.
(3,865 posts)
(18,219 posts)I have a bad day and decide to be nice. I hate when that happens.
(3,865 posts)I first came here, I fell into the default set by many of being obnoxious.
I meet much nicer people now.
(34,582 posts)If you avoid the Hillary group, Bernie group, and GD: Primaries. I would rather watch a shit flinging fight in the primate cages then go to those places.
(3,865 posts)was, "Who do you hope will be the presidential candidate?"
I was taken aback.
There is a reason we vote behind a curtain.
We don't necessarily want to be public about our vote or our hoped for candidate.
(9,842 posts)And here's a second "Welcome." Thanks, Curmudgeonness.
I think I stumbled upon this group by looking at every group in all the "Topics" until "Eureka"!
Sam's "Letter to a Christian Nation" is probably my fave of his. Short and sweet.
(3,865 posts)"newest threads" page.
I want to read more by Sam.
I like the way he writes, altho I don't understand everything in the book I just read.
But I value him being a neuroscientist.
(9,630 posts)[font style="font-family:'Georgia','Baskerville Old Face','Helvetica',fantasy;" size=4 color=#009999]Not to be confused with the AA (african american's group) or AA (alcoholics anonymous) or even AAA (the american automotive association).
Here is some welcoming cake:
(3,865 posts)NeoGreen
(4,033 posts)...did someone say....
(4,033 posts)...should we actively advertise our existence?
Should we periodically re-enact Horton Hears a Who within the greater DU sphere?
By our own rules (which I just now skimmed over for the 1st time, albeit not in their entirety) we seem to self mandate such action...
4. The hosts want to discourage negativity and encourage the promotion of the positive aspects of non-belief. If you read a good thread in A&A, rec it. If you encounter an atheist or agnostic in other areas of DU that you don't see in A&A, invite them over.
Oh, and despite what could be inferred from the Curmudgeoness comment...
we're not all nasty. Many of us are just weird:
(17,505 posts)I dunno....
But it makes it easier to check out the malarkey the religious are puttering about and saying.
(5,764 posts)...why it's "atheists and agnostics" considering agnostics can be theists so this is basically named the "everybody but gnostic theists" group.
(Actually, I know why, the improper understanding of the word agnostic is a pet peeve of mine and it's pretty obvious that was the cause of the forum name... but it still grates on my nerves every time I read it...)
(28,151 posts)I agree about the placement of our group! Still somehow we manage to have grand times here...surrounded by the proverbial enemy.