By Chris Jasurek
December 7, 2017 6:15 pm Last Updated: December 7, 2017 6:15 pm
Archeologists who based their search on a 50-year-old photo rediscovered a more than 2,000-year-old geoglyph of a killer whale in a remote region of Peru.
Johny Isla, the head of Perus Ministry of Culture in Ica province, was searching old records of geoglyph expeditions in the German Archaeological Institute in Bonn sometime around 2013. He saw a single photo of an orca geoglyph taken by a German expedition in the 1960s.
The German expedition was searching the Nazca and Palpa valleys, where ancient geoglyphs abound. The location of the specific geoglyph was listedbut it turned out the location listed was incorrect.
Isla had uncovered about one thousand geoglyphs in the Nazca region in the 1990s, but had never seen one like this. It is not one of the biggestthe orca image is only about 200 feet long, while some of the Nazca figures are over 1,300 feet longbut it is one of the oldestand is the only orca carving yet discovered.