Jewish Group
Related: About this forumNot enough to mention IMHO. It's way overblown.
Antisemitism on the left is not really a thing.
On these pages today

(6,706 posts)I ask because I'm genuinely interested in your answer. In your analysis of these people who are anti-Semitic on the Left do you think that they are just that way anyway or is it something about being Left that makes, fosters or draws people like that? The reason I'm asking is I know the things on the Right that draw those people and the policies etc. so I'm interested as to what the Left could do to not draw people who are disposed to anti-Semitism or to not foster it or to push them to go elsewhere.
I mean these questions outside of the Israel/Palestine matters and any military issues. I'm intending to try and understand the political wings regarding "every day ordinary" anti-Semitic views and behavior like restricting social organization memberships, restricting employment/advancement etc. I know the basic history etc. but I'm trying to come to a better understanding of things like whether that basic sort of discrimination I referenced is foundational to the more virulent people and if it is reinforced by a "carryover" of sorts in the Left from that more basic form then what might be changed or implemented with Left policies etc. to deal with that "carryover" or remainder to begin to alleviate the more basic forms taking hold or being furthered.
(683 posts)If you follow horseshoe theory, you're aware that the further left or right you go beyond a certain point, you pretty much go the same way. Stalinists and Nazis pretty much have the same methods and set up brutal and genocidal police states, for example.
Because both the extreme left and extreme right are totalitarian ideologies, they rely on conspiracy theories to unite the true believers and to provide a rationale for why the utopia they've promised their followers hasn't materialized.
Jews have always been an excellent target for these people, because there are enough of us to be visible, but not enough of us to seriously resist a mass movement against us. Thus, we can't really fight back.
As of late, fascists on the MAGA right appear to be experimenting with substituting transgender people for Jews, but even then, they have bursts of antisemitism shine through (like Majorie's Jewish Space Laser).
Without antisemitism, or another group to blame for their failure, members of the extreme fringes would have to acknowledge that their ideology isn't perfect and complete and has weak points that have led to its failure... And the moment they do that, their basis for demanding a totalitarian society completely disappears. So they'll never become tolerant nor pluralist.
(6,706 posts)like meeting yourself going and coming when you approach the extremes from either side. It could also explain those who are comfortable making the swing from hard left to hard right or vice-versa. They end up in dogma and locked into process and belief rather than pragmatic analysis of the reality of the political/societal condition with respect to their policies and therefore they don't change policy but rather move further to the extreme. Thank you for the response.