(Jewish Group) States With the Lowest Holocaust Awareness

If you answered that it was the largest Nazi concentration and extermination camp, which operated in Poland from 1940 to 1945, then congratulations, you are among a majority of Americans who have at least some rudimentary awareness of the Holocaust. (These are 25 infamous Nazi concentration camps.)
But according to a survey conducted in 2020, the number of poll respondents who couldnt name one of the 24 major concentration camps (as listed by the Jewish Virtual Library) that operated prior to and through World War II ranges from 21% in Wisconsin to 56% in Mississippi.
In the same survey, between 47% of Wisconsinites and 69% of Arkansans said they werent aware that six million Jews were exterminated in the Holocaust. Furthermore, a sizable number of Americans who said they were aware of the Holocaust vastly underestimated the number of Jews who were murdered by at least two-thirds.
These Americans are also likely unaware that millions of non-Jews were also victims of the deadliest and longest-running genocide in human history, which took place from 1933, when the Dachau concentration camp in Southern Germany opened, to the end of World War II in 1945. (These horrifying images of Nazi death camps.)
This is a slide show, so the first part of the article is on display at the link, but you have to scroll to see the other information.