Have you heard of the Progressive Christian Alliance?
http://www.progressivechristianalliance.org/Blog/about/Jesuss central message is about radical inclusion, thus we welcome anyone to participate in our fellowship without judgment or forcing them to conform to our likeness or affirm our creeds in order to be accepted. We invite and offer all a place at the table no exceptions.
Faith is not about concrete answers, religious absolutes, creeds, or dogma. Faith is about the search for understanding, the raising of important questions, the open honesty of having doubt, and the realization that no one has it all completely right nor does any human hold all the answers. We seek to follow the advice found in 1st Thessalonians 5:21, which is to seek truth out in all things and hold firmly onto that which is good. Religious absolutes of dogma, legalism, and strict doctrine become stumbling blocks and litmus tests for who is in and who is out of the circle of Gods grace. These false tests that Jesus never required get in the way of truly following Jesus and his teachings.
Following Jesus is counter-cultural, radical, and disrupts the status-quo. The good news of the gospel is intentional in its inclusion of those who are traditionally marginalized and refused by Mainline Christianity.
More at the link...

Union Scribe
(7,099 posts)Thanks
(7,619 posts)northoftheborder
(7,619 posts)"God created humans with a brain capable of discovery and reason. God does not require us to check our brains at the door, along with our coat and hat in order to be a part of the faith. Faith and Science are not in conflict; they are in harmony. The Bible is not a Science textbook and should never be taken as such. We affirm that if God is truth, then any discovery we make about ourselves, our origins, or the way the universe was created has come from God and should not be viewed as heresy."
This is exactly what I have always advocated as an answer to those who try to take the Bible and turn it into a scientific thesis. It is NOT a science book, or even a history book of the world's many cultures. It is a book, a story of a specific group of people, about faith, about the meanings of life, about the way people relate to each other and to a Supreme Being. The more I learn about nature and science, the more wondrous the creation seems to me.