Statement of Christian Faith & Democracy
Nothing makes me fume more than the absolute defamation and disrepute Christian Nationalists and the theocratic wannabes proclaim as if it was what Jesus stood for. Seems to me that it's very important for Christians who actually believe the Bible and work to love and serve all Creation to speak up.
I was so glad to run across an effort of Christians from across a number of denominations to speak up and out for democracy, for the Gospel of Jesus, and to take a strong stand against the efforts by Christian Nationalists and others to use fear to manipulate and tear down our nation.
Some of those who have signed it include Dr. Diana Butler Bass, Rev. Dr. Tony Campolo, Walter Brueggemann, Shane Claiborne, and The Most Rev. Michael Curry. All Christians are invited to sign on in agreement with the statement, so I did. I hope you will read it and consider doing so too.
Some of the names of signers you may recognize include Diana Butler Bass, Tony Campolo, Walter Brueggemann, Shane Claiborne, and Michael Curry.
From the About page:
In late 2023, a diverse group of scholars and religious leaders began to draft a short statement called Christian Faith and Democracy to address these dual crises.
The statement identifies the challenges facing our democracy and professes a Christian response. Rooted in practical concern, the statement is designed to offer a framework for pastors and lay leaders as they face these challenges in their own congregations and communities.
This is a time when Christian leaders are called to step up. And all of us from various constituencies, with many pressures will now be making the decision to speak up and out with this statement. It is a risk that each of us must decide whether to take.
For this statement to make a significant contribution to our countrys future, we need you to join us.
(40,915 posts)summer_in_TX
(3,417 posts)stood for is causing great harm.
There's much real good in the teachings of Jesus. Love your neighbor as yourself; do unto others as you would have others do unto you; whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me. Forgive as you would be forgiven. Many more that can heal and transform people for the better.
But the defamation and lies cause people to think if that's what Christianity is, why would I ever have anything to do with it.
(40,915 posts)Behold the Republican Jesus!
(6,479 posts)Imposing Christian governance over a whole nation without full citizen consent raises many redflags, unanswered by advocates of xtian nationalism:
How will religionists choose which evangelists, preachers, prophets and influencers will be in the highest leadership positions? How will the inevitable disagreements and fierce power struggles be decided?
Who will be allowed to choose leaders? All citizens, or just some? Who can not participate?
If prophets have conflicting messages from God, who decides which one is really Gods?
If prophecy is in conflict with the constitution, which one should prevail?
How could society remove a corrupt or immoral religious/government leader once installed into power? Who could judge and remove the person?
Who decides which groups of people are allowed to participate in society, and which would be excluded?
Democracy has answers for all of these questions. Religion does not.