In God is Your Real Home
Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian Guru who lived in the first half of the 20th century. While a Hindu, he had great admiration for Jesus. My wife had one of his books of excerpts taken from his speeches over the years. She was clearing out some books to sell in a garage sale when she ran across it. She gave it to me saying that she had never read it although she had had it for years. The book is called In the Sanctuary of the Soul and I've found it to be a very peaceful and pleasant read. What follows are some of his words from the book.
"When we are in tune with God, we will hear His voice: 'I have loved thee through the ages; I love thee now; and I will love thee until thou comest Home. Whether thou knowest it or not, I shall always love thee.' He speaks to us in silence, telling us to come Home."
"You can't fail to reach God ultimately. You are foolish to ask, 'Will I be able to get into the kingdom of heaven?' There is no other place you can stay, for that is your real home. You don't have to earn it. You are already God's child, made in His image. You have only to tear away the mask of the human being and realize your divine birthright."
"God is real, and He can be found in this life. In men's hearts there are many prayers- for money, fame , health- prayers for all manner of things. But the prayer that should be first in every heart is the prayer for God's presence. Silently and surely, as you walk on the path of life, you must come to the realization that God is the only object, the only goal that will satisfy you; for in God lies the answer to every desire of the heart...Your soul is the divine temple of God. The darkness of mortal ignorance and limitations must be driven out of that temple. It is wonderful to be in the consciousness of the soul- fortified, strong! Be afraid of nothing. Hating none, giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing his presence in everyone, and having but one desire- for His constant presence in the temple of your consciousness- that is the way to live in this world."

(12,203 posts)Calming reassurance is helpful right now.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)
Dream Girl
(5,111 posts)Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)
(12,771 posts)On the sullen day I am having this picks me up a little
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)
(42,649 posts)Each of us has a spark of the divine in us. There is no need to search for what is already there.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)