What is your denomination or faith if other than Christian?
I'm an Episcopalian in practice and a Unitarian in thought. You'll find me at the local Episcopal church on Sunday mornings, but I think all of the world's major traditions have wisdom.

(2,032 posts)Not a Christian.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)If you don't follow Christ's teachings you are not a Christian. Presumably, I think I see where you are coming from, but don't lump the bad with the good.
(16,104 posts)PaulX2
(2,032 posts)Who obviously serve Satan/Mammon.
Big difference.
I am not Christian.
I follow Christ.
I know, I know. Some are not pure evil. Many are in fact good. Then however there's the rest......
Drooling Jesus Jesus Jesus as some sort of excuse to accept, and promote evil is kinda sick if you ask me.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)and promote evil is kinda sick if you ask me." Well, it is, but it's not representative of most Christians even today in America. It's what happens when you marry conservative politics and bigotry with Christianity. Christ was not economically or socially conservative or a bigot. If you're from the southeast, you might be kinda stuck in regards to church, but it is different elsewhere.
(1,399 posts)went to church as a kid, but they were over the top nutty, evan-nut jobs. I haven't been to a church in over 40 yrs except for the occasional wedding or funeral. I think there is something but not sure what, so that is me in a nutshell.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)They feel like there is something more to us than what is ordinarily available to the senses, something spiritual, but they just can buy into the whole religion deal. I think a lot of that kind of thing comes from your kind of experience. I was at the same place for much of my life. I went to a fundie church when I was a kid because my dad made me and later rebelled against all of religion when I got old enough to speak for myself.
(3,049 posts)for those who haven't attended church for awhile, but I probably lean somewhere between a sovereign grace baptist and a primitive baptist.