the incorruptable saints
we had a thread yesterday about st Theresa, in which I realized that three saints by that name are incorruptible. st Theresa of lissoux ("the little flower" , my grandmother's favorite, did not even make this list
in fact, this miracle(?) phenomenon(?) while far from common, there are more incorruptables than I had thought possible.
st Cecelia, a 2nd century roman martyr, appears to be rxtant after all these years.
an English king (Edward the confessor) is incorruptible.
st veronica was finally immersed in a flood, and reduced to bones, except for her heart which remains incorruptible.
has anyone seen one of these miracles? are all the incorruptables catholic or do other cultures produce examples. is this truly a miracle or can science explain?
(7,398 posts)"..The absence of any visual signs of decay in the dead body of Paramahamsa Yogananda offers the most extraordinary case in our experience. Had the muscle protein and blood stream of the deceased not been comparatively free of bacteria, deterioration of the body could have set in as early as six hours after life had departed. No physical disintegration was visible in Paramahamsa Yoganandas body even twenty days after death.
The body was under daily observation at the Mortuary of the Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Association from March 11, 1952, the day of the last public rites, until March 27, 1952, when the bronze casket was sealed by fire. During this period no indication of mold vas visible on Paramahamsa Yoganandas skin, and no visible desiccation (drying up) took place in the bodily tissues. This state of perfect preservation of a body is, so far as we know from mortuary annals, an unparalleled one.
Officials of Forest Lawn viewed the body of Paramahamsa Yogananda an hour after his death on March 7th 1952. The body was then taken to his home on Mount Washington in Los Angeles, where many friends gathered to gaze at his form..."