Happy JULY!!!!1 :)
Best rendition of this song EVER!!!!!
Could use some good vibes to lure the honey bees over to their own feeder (A shallow platter of nector) So they will let my Hummingbirds have their feeder.
Thank you in advance.
Here is my song callin the Honey bees to their feeder.

(29,414 posts)OMG Kentauros that first video does capture some of the bee flight I've observed today !! LOL! Thank you,Dena And Kimmers! Because I actually got them to swarm on their own feeder.! Woot! Now if I can sneak the other Hummingbird feeders up one by one each day so in the words of Rodney King " cant we all just get along"......I have spent the last 4 hours just observing the Honey bees and they are fascinating!!! But I also learned to put out a much shallower bit of nectar in the bee platter. For Christs sake there appears to be Extreme sports in alot of different species.. Gawd forgive me for the carnage.
(29,414 posts)So, I am curious about this subject with regards to honey. Are we allowed to have some? Because there was one type of honey that I never saw marketed, yet had some from an independent beekeeper once: Jalapeño honey. Not hot at first, just down the back of the throat

(4,225 posts)I just LOVE Eddie Izzard! I really liked him in the FX series "The Riches" too. I don't know why that show was ever cancelled.
(29,414 posts)I'd wanted to see it, but never knew about it until it had been on for a while. I like seeing things form the beginning. I guess I'll have to Netflix it
He also did a series for one of the UK channels (or maybe the Discovery channel) on the history of the English language. Here's a clip:
(4,225 posts)n/t
(4,225 posts)I watched the Infinity symbol dance when I first put out the platter.
(29,414 posts)findrskeep
(713 posts)to see you!! I was just thinking the other day, "Where IS Howler???" lol
(4,225 posts)I've been running around trying to keep my garden alive in this drought and heat.
The blasted weather man said all week that it was going to be a cool 81 degrees saturday and 85 sunday. HA! it was 90 saturday and 92 sunday!!! They didnt even acknowledge the rather big mistake. LOL! Its 95 today.
I hope things are going great for you !!! (((HUG)))
(18,186 posts)I have a nice four inch knot in my leg from a very mad one. I don't know if it was all the fireworks or a tree coming down, but they are hunting a nest all over my place and they do not like me.
Got stung the other day on my ankle. They leave a bruise!
They are loving all the flowers but they need to leave the gardener alone!
Good to see you.

And a song for the bees, if you please:
"She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey..." Van Morrison of course....
(4,225 posts)WTF! Don't the damn yellow jackets know how to behave around the person who feeds em?
I'm thinkin this song JACK!
Good to see you too Tsiyu.
(18,186 posts)"and don'tcha come back no more, no more, no more, no more!"
My place has flowers in the woods, so I have a lot of flying life like wasps and bees and moths and beetles and butterflies and hummingbirds, plus toads, spiders, lizards, deer, snakes and such here and there in the garden. But those yellow jackets do not play well with others.
I wouldn't even go near a fresh bale of hay today to feed critters without a hooded jacket and long pants and muckers AND a spray bottle of horsey fly spray with a good spray. I had two different colored socks pulled up over my Cabela's campin' pants because they will climb under the hem of your britches and have at it while you're jumping around like a bronco in heat.
If anyone in the woods saw me, they would pass me off as a bit loony. But, dayum, those stings hurt and stay swollen for a week. I poulticed tobacco on this one right away, but it still is itchy and sore like cellulitis.
Today, they didn't divebomb me. Maybe they realize I'm not out to get them.
I think when they get vicious they are telling me to stay in the house and paint.
(4,225 posts)"Jumping around like a bronco in heat"
Well the honey bee experiment came to an abrupt end today.
First Mr Howler got stung which in itself was not a deal breaker However the bees have found the last Hummingbird feeder and swarmed it anyways so giving them their own feeder did NADA! Now I have to wait a few more days with ALL feeders pulled and start all over again.
Hey Tsiyu I would LOVE to see pictures of your Garden Girl!!!!
(18,186 posts)Drought killed stiff, now rain is picking stuff off.
Sorry about Mr. Howler's sting. Ouch!
But a hummingbird just flew past the back window and I lol.
My garden is evolving but I have a few pics. Need to upload them or wait til I finish this week's endless project.
Must go paint now.
Sorry the mission flopped but there's a reason for everything they say.
Has it turns out Mr Howler is allergic to bee stings! Now you would of thought He would've told me about that Has I set up the bee feeder Wouldn't you,Snort.
His right foot is swelled today So I'm running up Baking Soda Foot soaks and Benidril back and forth to him. Oh yeah he is home from work too.Sigh.
Here is My Goodbye song to the Bees Calling them out to leave and seek greener pastures Elsewhere and reminding them not to be sad because it didn't work out at least they got to feast for two whole days before nature took her course. LOL!
I know Tsiyu This damn drought,heat has me running around like a mad hatter too trying to keep everything alive and in balance (The Bee debaucle being an epic FAIL) LMAO ! I feel ya.
I can't wait to see I just know its BEAUTIFUL!!!!1
(18,186 posts)to bees.
Well, live and learn. You tried. I'm sure the bees appreciate the effort.
Hope Mr. Howler is okay.
I'm on a little spring-fed well, so I just couldn't water everything and a lot of stuff just dried up.
I did take some pics before that here and there but it's nothing spectacular, believe me. Just hillbilly flower beds lol

Now you should do some tie dye in bee colors...some cool brown and white and yellow stripes.
Wonder if you could do a fold that came out looking like a bee with two outstretched wings?
Okay, gotta get some work done around here....stop the lollygagging