yikes. I have no memory of how this book made it to my bookshelf
Whenever I'm looking for something to read I bypass it, thinking its a book I picked up on coil collecting.
Just now, I decided to pull it out. "Crystal Vision through Crystal Gazing." Copyright 1923 by Yogi Publishing Society! A complete how to!!!
No memory of where it came from or how long it's been there on the shelf ....

magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Guess it's time for me to read it...
It's a 1st edition; I must have picked it up at a local yard sale or library book sale or something. No idea when, but antiques abound up here.
(8,423 posts)
No, seriously, I find the best things that way rummaging through my library. AHA! Voila!
(5,198 posts)Congratulations on finding such a treasure. If it weren't for books, rocks and sticks my traveling would be a lot lighter, I attract books too, am constantly having to trade them although this one sounds like a keeper.
(3,747 posts)the Master appears!
Carpe Diem!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)he ends the chapter "The Ancient Methods" with that.
(23,156 posts)and wondering where in the hell her copy of "Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing" went to.
I am absolutely convinced that sometimes things transport themselves from one part of the planet to another. I have had things mysteriously appear in my dryer, and a friend of mine has had shoes -- that fit him -- and a t-shirt or two and a sweater show up in his closet.
(31,170 posts)I end up with tons of the stuff! WAY more than my guys can possibly shed and still have fur.
I love this idea a lot...(just not with cat hair) ♥
(23,156 posts)or things disappearing. In your case, there is someone out there with several cats who is smug about how little her cats shed. But that's because HER cat fir is somehow going to your home.
Here's the thing. When it's something like cat fur, those you tell that you have much more showing up than can be accounted for by your cats simply think that you are nice, but deluded. Cats really do shed a lot. But they are wrong.
Things really do get moved around in strange ways.
Here's another story of mine:
Some years ago I needed to get gas. It was a very windy day. I stopped at a gas station about ten miles from home, not a gas station I normally go to. I prefer to pay cash for my gas, so I pulled out a twenty dollar bill, placed it on top of my car and secured it with my keys. It was a very windy day. I bet you can guess where this story is going. Halfway through pumping the gas, I realized that the wind had snatched my twenty dollar bill and sent it off somewhere. I was quite annoyed at myself as I should have known better, It really was a very windy day. Fortunately, I had another twenty dollar bill with me so I could pay for my gas.
About two weeks later I checked my mail around the time my mailman should have been by. The mail hadn't arrived yet, but there was a twenty dollar bill in my mailbox.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)where in the hell my loppers went!
I distinctly remember the last time I used them, and putting them away. My elbow was still quite sore, so I was very careful about doing "as little as possible; as much as necessary" to avoid aggravating the injury.
I remember how sore my elbow felt when I was finished, as I carried the loppers back to the garage. I remember wanting to wimp out and plop it down by the door, and being stoic and putting them away on the far side of the garage.
And now my elbow is better, and the sumacs are growing back in force and the honeysuckle is hanging over the path to the barn...and the loppers are nowhere to be found!
(31,170 posts)Let us know what you think of it? ♥
get the red out
(13,697 posts)I have no clue how my balsamic vinegar got on the counter today. Wasn't in the fridge and I hadn't gotten it out, then there it was.
God that happens too much. Cool sounding book though! Might be better than the salad I had.
(21,046 posts)Some vinyl records. Specifically, a recording of Prokofief's Seventh Symphony from 1957. The piece was written in 1952 and is somewhat obscure.
A violin, bow, and case. I have two violins of my own, and am keeping one that my daughter's friend owns, but number four??? Where did this fiddle come from? I am at a loss. Maybe it was lonely and decided to walk in off the street.
I had a concert T shirt for Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band: American Tour 1974. My kid stole it and wore it. I have no idea where it came from.