Christine Page, MD, Intuitive, Physician, Author
"Many traditions see the Galactic Center as the vagina of the Great Mother, or the Dark Rift. And going into the womb/tomb is one way to look at this moment in time. Page sees all the faces of the Goddess at play simultaneously.
They are:
The Virgin: sparks of inspiration and intuition.
The Mother: warmth and nurturing.
The Crone: destruction and renewal.
While much is dying, new sparks are there if we can get past the sense of loss. It's an intense challenge, to be stripped of the old, and experiment with what you can re-create.
The Many Dimensions
For some, the idea of "ascension" is that we'll rise up out of the heavy 3D and fear-laden 4D worlds, and be on our way into the higher vibrations. But Page described the dimensions in a way that resonated with me. She broke them down into: 3rd D physical 4th D Astral/Dreams, 5th D Beliefs, 6th D Higher mind, and 7th 12th D spiritual realms.
She says we are already always living in these dimensions, and now we're becoming aware of all of them. It doesn't take us out of 3D and its problems, but brings heaven and earth together. It also brings to our awareness past life experiences, unused potential and ghosts. She says, "Everything we ever imagine thought or felt is available now. This is chaos." And the mind can't cope, says Page, because it's like a computer that "can only go where you already know to go."
Be real. Don't be good.
It's time to be real, not to be good, since that often makes us sick. As a physician, Page says the majority of people with cancer she's met are good people. We're being taken into our own underworlds, even as the hidden stuff is coming out. Looking at Tiger Woods, Page remarked, "That which you hide is coming up to bite you."
The talk was on living in a hologram, and Page described that as the external reality we set up so we can know ourselves. But the apocalypse, "unveiling," is making it harder to hide behind stories of being the victim. We can more clearly see what we're creating, and that's why it's such a powerful time to integrate old wounds, past lives, and live with more authenticity.
Page says enlightenment is simply about the ah-ha moments we each have. "You suddenly get brighter." And that one key to changing the hologram, is to "change the angle of thinking." She also stressed that the Earth doesn't need healing. That it's we who can change our reality by vibrating in this new energy of joy. Some ways she mentions are: listening to song birds, going to sacred sites, dancing in a place you love.
It's crucial to move out of fear responses, and start to actively embody these new higher energies, says Page. "Do I believe in a conspiracy theory? Yes I do. There are those out there that benefit from others fear base." One code for "waking up" is 11:11, says Page, and it's part of our symbolic memory. She mentions the psychic-crystal children being born that know who they are and why they're here. But Page's message is that soon we will all have that knowing if we let the heart lead the way."

(8,423 posts)I really liked this!
I will definitely re-read this and share! Thanks, Mother Earth!
mother earth
(6,002 posts)felix_numinous
(5,198 posts)this woman is to listen to!
mother earth
(6,002 posts)intuitives if I recall correctly, and that she is a physician is icing on the cake IMO. She is incredibly uplifting and intelligent.
(5,198 posts)she talks and writes--she is very accessible. The scientists offer a different approach yet they can be mind boggling. This is very relaxing to listen to.
(24,841 posts)I get that, the issue that I have always had was how to be real and still be gentle with others. My inner monster wants to smackdown some people but I have learned that it doesn't work that way. Anytime I have verbally slapped the crap out of someone I got some on me.
Thanks mother earth for the link
(23,664 posts)To me, it's a matter of people being brutally honest with themselves about what they're feeling, what they're doing, and why they're feeling and doing it.
I don't care what "path" people are on, it's my perception that most people are not honest with themselves, so they can't begin to be honest with others.
Whether the actions/feelings are "good" or "bad" (all perception, of course, since energy is neutral), so long as it's honest, to me it's really all good.
(713 posts)Thanks for posting it Mother Earth!