Can you just FEEL the clarity that is coming through the next few days?
Pluto is opposite the Sun, and both are at a right angle to Uranus in Aries
So revolutionary
So awakening
Do not downplay what is happening
Do not look for a specific deliveryman with your name on the package
Widen your view
Be patient in your assessment
Uranus is showing you the REAL you.
Don't expect a red carpet
Do expect a miracle
You are very special
This is not Mr. Rogers talking
I have no idea who is talking
But, I can feel it
It will max out the next two days as the Sun in Cancer directly gets involved
All kind of things will happen politically
So what?
What matters is what happens in your own temple
People are running scared
There's nowhere to go except deeper into your own temple
And, you not allowed to leave

(3,621 posts)It was like moving through molasses. Yesterday, I felt like I was finally waking up.
And I'm excited at the prospect of a miracle. I search the horizon... and then go even further.
(14,722 posts)yesterday afternoon i felt like i had just begun to emerge from the chrysalis, still much to be done, my wings are not nearly dry...but soon
(657 posts)Feel like I'm just waking up after a week long sleep. I'm in the mood for a good miracle right now.
(23,664 posts)
(2,593 posts)Several things in my life are changing for the better, and I'm getting stronger and more self-sufficient. One thing that is changing is, I'm starting to stand up for myself and I'm no longer looking for other people to help me survive. I'm going to be OK. And that is something I can control.
(1,553 posts)So happy to hear this, PT!
(3,794 posts)Uranus in Aries is doing... good for you!
(2,185 posts)As per SCOTUS ruling...
Hell has official frozen over...
(8,423 posts)
(3,794 posts)Hell and SCOTUS
I used this music in a Laughter class! Oh Yeah!
(14,722 posts)And, you not allowed to leave "
I will definitely be meditating on this aspect thru this period. Monday -yesterday afternoon felt like a cosmic layover. I have slept more in the past four days than I can justify... but all of a sudden, i ""woke up" about 3 or 4 yesterday (just sitting here and all of a sudden my synapses were firing)
... and have still been moving forward more this morning than all week combined...
It's not hurried or rushed, just getting shit done, and not feeling whiny about it
feeling like i am getting a grip
like i *can* manage all that is on my plate
like maybe it doesn't have to feel like such a trudge, that maybe it can be easier if I just shutup and do it,

like maybe it is time to stop being a slacker and make some hay while the sun shines

yes, thank the gods for the cosmic wind-shifts
I know it will turn again and there will be times it blows from the direction of angst, fear, or whatnot
but i am grateful for some summer breeze, blowing out the layer of crud and opening us to a clearer view
thanks rick, for filling us in on these shifts!

Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Was sluggish; now clear and raring to go- full speed ahead!
What's even better is that I am not reaching for it. It is all just coming to me.
And more to the point, I'm allowing it all to flow.
(713 posts)This last wave of energy has been INTENSE!
(3,794 posts)tomorrow
(8,423 posts)But my Scorpio daughter is just cranked up intense! WHoosh! Talking loud, back talk and cussing! WHew!
(3,794 posts)in a few minutes
8 Aries
8 Cancer
8 Capricorn
unheard of
(8,423 posts)your post was at 11:11......
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Almost on top of my Sun and really activating my Neptune. Lovely.
Was reading this part about Neptune and just received a much needed revelation:
Jesus, a Neptunian master, said, He who loses himself [the personality] shall find himself [the spirit]. Neptunes house position in your chart shows where you are being asked to sacrifice something personal and emotional, so that you can feel a larger part of what it is to be human, or to identify with more of life or humanity. You may also be involved with illusion or deception in that house, or feel like youre operating under some obligation. This is a good place to use Virgo to discriminate between whats real and whats illusory. The final attainment of the last sign is universal love. Then sacrifice is joy and there is no suffering, as there is no personal self left to suffer.
Thanks for the thread! The more I look at those 8's the more I see activated in my natal chart.
(3,794 posts)and you can watch use the garbage disposal run free of charge
(8,423 posts)But ME! I was on fire! Well, yeah it was really hot today, but
my true soul and wits were pouring out and folks were responding positively.I could see I was helping effectively. I was so IN the moments of my best self!
And really I can't describe this properly...but
I felt golden, powerful and important.
Not in a narcissistic way, but in a SEE, you can DO this, afterall kind of way.
(8,423 posts)the ...Hey, this is you field of energy surrounding my Kimmers-ness, and the feeling, the real hope that I can make a living or something close to that with my brand of joy therapy. But more than that, you are spot on...I'm being shown....I'm being shown.....LOVE!
(3,794 posts)can really appreciate what fun they get to have all the time being so much THEMSELVES... ME
Other signs only get to feel the MEness now and then, it seems
me me me
sounds like a song
(10,453 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)I know exactly how Beaker feels at the end there. That's my normal state!
(8,423 posts)I see that.. They are where it's at....Sometimes it feels lonely at or near the end of evolvement..
(3,794 posts)it's not really evolvement, but I know exactly what you mean
I had to struggle w that for years writing the book
the early signs are non complicated, the late signs are complicated
but, most of us are a very big mixture of all kinds of things
you should meet some of the Aquarians I've met! omg
It's lonely all throughout the zodiac
(8,423 posts)That I've met. Weird, huh? It certainly has made me spotlight myself, when I think that way, though.
(8,423 posts)two that come to mind were/are also DOES make a diff..
(3,794 posts)a Neptune or Pisces problem, not always tho
(3,882 posts)I am not feeling all the joy that others seem to be feeling. I feel the calm quiet of waiting . But I do not know what I am waiting for or why I feel so quiet.
I am widening my view and letting go of old patterns as I can but the change I am expecting, if it is happening at all, is very subtle.
I am not being The Watcher either, though the vibe is kind of like that. I will just keep tuning in here, hopefully to find more insight, which is eluding me at the moment
(5,510 posts)I'm delighted for others, but feel like I'm on the outside observing others live their lives while I'm in some sort of holding pattern. Almost an immobilized feeling. Definitely know I'm at a crossroad, but not having a clue where to go from here. I think I must be in limbo.
(3,794 posts)I don't see limbo, I don't see observer.
I see stuck.
Stuck = holding on (IMHO)
Your chart is very Saturnian. I think that now PL is speaking so LOUDLY that it forcing your
passions to the surface and scaring the bejesus out of your SAFE Saturn which ain't safe at all.
That's the issue here. Releasing pseudo safety.
trust your passions
You CAN trust your passions.
As with my reply to Solara, it's got me so shaken up and I think others too. Give it a few days.
A Tsquare from PL to Uranus in Aries reallys shakes up things. Think of it like this:
You get in a freakin HOT ROD AND START THE ENGINE! It vibrates like Charo and then when you put her in gear
boom it knocks and creaks and scares the crap out of you.
Let it idle for a few days and I guarantee it will be more manageable, more like dancing with Audrey Hepburn instead.
(5,510 posts)The problem for months now, has been I have NO passion. Imagine....a passionless Scorpio. Thought those two words were mutually exclusive until lately. Hence, my confusion.....never experience THIS before.
(3,794 posts)we must look into this, no one TOOK your passion
we must talk
we'll figure it out
(3,882 posts)You absolutely nailed the feeling I've been experiencing too.. so these feelings must be a part of the entire spectrum.. I guess we just keep holding until the direction reveals itself.
It is good to know that we are not alone in this.
Thanks for posting
(3,882 posts)that for the last few days I have felt as if have taken a handful of sleeping pills.. I can barely keep my eyes open while at the same time I am reading about how energized people are feeling....
(5,510 posts)Kindred spirits. Yes, I feel like it's hurry up & wait. Rick is right....I'm stuck. Not to mention confused.
Thank YOU for posting!
(657 posts)I came awake after a week long sleep only to be confronted with what put me there to begin with. I cried all day yesterday, I felt like I was compromising on so many levels and it didn't feel good. I felt the same way this morning SC, but it got easier today. I was in a holding pattern for so long and than bamm!!, I got confronted with someone with an extremely large ego, who kept pulling me into a game. I thought I was above it, but my ego got involved and it got real ugly. Made me question everything I've been working on for the past 5 yrs. I feel like I'm getting back to normal, maybe it was one last test of letting go. It really knocked me for a loop.
(5,510 posts)I have felt like crying the last few days, but have resisted because I don't want to have to "explain why", since I can't...don't really know why. Less emotional, engineering hubby cannot relate & gets angry when someone cries. (It goes back to his mother who used emotion to manipulate.) Just don't want to upset the apple cart for what seems like no reason, especially since we are stuck (hmmmm...there's Ric's word) here together now 24/7 . The relentless heatwave we are experiencing makes one want to stay in for both comfort & safety. As I type this it makes me wonder if these factors might be what leads to Ric's predicted big change....may have to confront each other! That will make me question everything for the past 33 yrs. Actually I've lately questioned EVERY aspect of my life for the last 4 decades! Compromising could be my middle name....been doing it all my life. Not sure I'm in any shape to be knocked for a loop right now. But we really don't get a choice in that, do we?
How long was your "holding pattern"?
(657 posts)MY holding pattern has been for close to 8 yrs now. Its hard and I always look forward to your words of wisdom. I consider you a mentor, and have always loved hearing your words of wisdom. Thank you for all you do.
(5,510 posts)I contend that we are all each other's mentors. Wisdom is all around us, sometimes we just need someone or something to call our attention to it, or triggering something in us. You just mentored me w/your earlier post. We are truly all in this together.
My holding pattern has been about a yr now....I think it is hard.....much harder than having direction...even "wrong" direction.
(657 posts)We're all here for each other, but you do resonate with me.
(3,794 posts)You MARS is being absolutely bombarded right now. I think your body senses this and is just temporarily shutting down
to protect it until it makes sense to you, and you can proceeed.
That's all; it means you are in the midst of designing HUGE AGGRESSIVE CHANGE for yourself, and since you may have put it
off for a long time, it backs and then you get a Mike Tyson 1-2 punch when it all arrives at once as it did yesterday and today.
Just let it be and breath, it will become manageable very soon, my 2 cents from your chart.
(3,882 posts)Glad to be alive and somewhat aware during these wonderful experiences
Thank you once again for being such a wonderful and approachable Herald
is not HAROLD! lol
Of course, you are right
(3,882 posts)and nothing has come to me... am I blocking it? Am I on the wrong side of the river?
I have been doing my best to let go of the past, to forgive myself and all with whom I have
experienced. I am grateful for all that I have, but I am feeling, well, not too much of anything at all. Except maybe some sadness.
I wanna go the party
(3,794 posts)Neptune would be undermining, and subtle. You have a very strong Neptune in your natal chart, so you should adapt to it well.
It's all spiritual input. Real stuff. Grace. Be open to it.
At the same time, your Mars is being hit by Pluto and Uranus, which means it's time to ACT.
No avoidance, act! That is clear.
good luck
(27 posts)Kidding really - but this has been such an intense few days, especially today.
I know the planets are moving into new realms - everything seems really difficult.
I will stay with it though. For sure.
(3,794 posts)perfect triangle, TREMENDOUS pressure everywhere
I really think we all just have to let it settle, there is no dealing with any of it
let it settle
let it settle
in a few days, we'll the see the PHENOMENAL AFTERMATH of the storm that we are in the midst of right now.
No exaggerations
best wishes
I felt better after I posted that and feel better that at least I am feeling it.
I think I will do some Billie Holiday and Joni tonight in prep for the aftermath.
Best to you too....
(8,423 posts)and You Turn Me On I'm A Radio...HAHAHA
Right up my alley.. Those are my top fav. singers!
(657 posts)Might have to dig out some old Joni, thanks for the inspiration.
(3,506 posts)My daughter has the Sun conjunct Pluto at 9 degrees Libra, completing the grand cross. On Friday, she decided she had had about enough crap from her job and quit. She used to love this job, but in the last few years they have been taken over by the bean counters, and she was pretty much their go-to person for problem restaurants. She is doing general site management, without the title and pay. They have been dangling the carrot of "You'll get the GM of the new place in Rocky Mountain City when we build it.....", but she had come to the conclusion that this was just a carrot that they had no intension of letting her have, so she quit after 10 years of helping them grow......I guess she had outgrown them.
(3,794 posts)A VERY GOOD SIGN, that she isn't going to repress herself anymore.
INSTANTLY watch EVERYTHING will get better for her! Watch!
(21,046 posts)Had a shitfight with one posting hate speech on FB. He didn't understand and was just crushed when his father said he was nauseated by the anti Obama stuff, and I said he was "naive" and the stuff he posted was "right wing horseshit".
Well it WAS, and he has no critical thinking skills.
All I can do is walk away and not engage.
I don't plan to see them for oh, a year or so, if possible. I hate it when people diss me and don't understand what I am saying.
The facts are thus: My family's highest value was education, and critical thinking and being logical. As I have a law degree, it is terribly frustrating because these people have name calling, and no logical arguments.
Oh and I am an early Aries (March 26). Virgo rising. My dad was a Virgo and he was a lawyer. I went to law school because he was the functional adult in the family and he was my role model.
He also used to do my taxes and actually understood it!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)What matters is what happens in your own temple
People are running scared
There's nowhere to go except deeper into your own temple
I've known exactly where I wanted to be/do/go since last fall.
This past few days, sometimes waves of excitement, sometimes waves of fear. In between, breathing deeper, deeper into center. Trying to just let it all play out, while scrubbing my house, top to bottom.
(3,794 posts)good deal
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)Come to momma!
(23,664 posts)

(3,794 posts)watch your breath
(1,553 posts)Nothing seems to help.