The Biology of Perception
Last edited Fri Jun 22, 2012, 03:16 PM - Edit history (1)
I listened to a lecture by Bruce Lipton last night--which totally blew my mind. If you are interested in the mind body connection--listen to this lecture. In the 1960s he discovered that cells' condition were not predetermined, but reactive to the environment.
He later took stem cells and observed that due to environmental conditions (not DNA manipulation), they changed into bone, fat or muscle tissue. What he has proven is that beliefs create emotions which change the chemistry of the body, which in turn tell the cells what to do. The DNA is the blueprint, containing the spare parts and information needed to rebuild the body-->but it is the proteins--which communicate directly with cell environment--the sensory organs of the cell--which then shape-shift in reaction to what is sensed--or PERCEIVED by the cell.

--the longer biological explanation.
Here is his website:
I am in total awe today and wanted to share this with everyone here

(5,198 posts)how a person with multiple personalities can have one personality with diabetes, another with high blood pressure and another with different eye color? It is because their total consciousness and their subconscious conditioning is creating the conditions for their body to manifest these conditions.
(8,423 posts)I read his book last year, and while I was reading it, I kept thinking that so much of what he is conveying goes over or through people. I don't think they truly gather the entire significance! Thanks for posting!
(5,198 posts)--and he started his work in the 60s, but no one listened to him. A good friend lent me his CD's and I sat up all night listening to them and then journaling about it....and I am so grateful today.
I'm glad you enjoy this too
(3,794 posts)" I don't think they truly gather the entire significance!"
That's the Aquarian gift; showing us the ramifications. He's leading the mind, Lipton is a Libra.
(8,423 posts)Aw...shucks. Yes, that Lipton's a genius!.....Libra...a fellow airhead!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Louise Hay's work takes a look at this from a different perspective, but it's essentially the same. Our thought processes and emotions drive the conditions for certain illnesses. She looks at it as a psychologist; from a physiological perspective, our emotions drive our biochemical changes.
DNA contains the chemical blueprint to make proteins. But something has to tell the DNA when to turn on, when to turn off, which proteins to make at any given time.
(5,198 posts)I am on a healing journey and want to learn as much as possible...
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)A woman I work with is a tea party, slavery apologist nut. I've discovered even the most innocent conversations can set her off: example, she got really pissed off when we were discussing horses and bugs. When I said I use an all natural oil-based repellent that is effective, safe and same cost as the chemicals, she suggested I change to "skin so soft." When I explained that my horse had a terrible allergic reaction, but repeated the stuff I'm using is great, she got really pissed off. She gets pissy about anything that contradicts her world view. Really explosively pissed off.
She also, it turns out, keeps getting recurrent, severe urinary tract infections, and I've noticed they occur right around the time she's walking around pissy about one thing or another. She's pissed off all right!
(5,198 posts)I was just thinking about this --getting a feel for what 'personality' my illness is. The interesting thing is, this is what shamanic work does, to imagine the shape, location in your body, and what emotions this thing is--and have a dialogue with it. What does it want, where did it come from and what agreements do you have with it? It's REALLY interesting how all of this quantum thinking comes full circle back to much of what ancient wisdom was about Your story about your colleague miss pissy made me laugh.
(4,225 posts)Bookmarked for this weekend!!!!
Thanks Felix-Numinous.
(5,198 posts)Somehow this lecture has made me very happy.
(5,198 posts)and what is interesting is that Bruce Lipton says that it is the subconscious mind that needs to be programmed. Listen to this, a newborn is in delta dream state, between 2-6 yrs old a child is in theta state of imagination-creative twilight imaginative state, 7 yr old is in alpha--so in these formative years we're downloading straight into the subconscious. It isn't until 12 when we go into beta adult brain wave patterns. (I never knew all of this).
It is just amazing--the power of the subconscious--95% of the time we are operating from our subconscious, which is the autopilot of our brain-- our automatic functions, as well as--programmed habits and learned behaviors, this is where we recognize patterns. But the subconscious he calls a 'tape player' --that cannot be reasoned with, we can only reprogram it. And he said that doing affirmations to the conscious mind is effective but without reprogramming the subconscious mind, affirmations often fall apart. Especially if our subconscious is full of sabotaging programs.
So--how do you reprogram the subconscious? He has a list of stuff, EFT, TFT, ENDR, bodytalk and avatar---and don't ask me what these are--I'm gonna use the google and research these next!!!!
I'm excited, this is cool stuff!!
(8,423 posts)I read about the age six programming approaching motherhood. ..And EFT is EMotional Freedom Technique. Tapping accupressure points. I have used this method many times...not necessarily for reprogramming, mostly for headaches!...It is easy to learn. Not familiar with the other ones.
This is really interesting.. Thanks for posting.. There is also something called The Healing Codes by Alex Lloyd?...Definitely works.....Anytime you get to the root of something and are able to clean and clear, you are in effect reprogramming.. I think there are other ways to re-program as well, but it is late and I can't think as well as maybe...tomorrow!
(5,198 posts)EFT--I am trying it now, and it is very cool
(5,198 posts)the first time I read your post....I haven't heard of this before, so I will post this video, and investigate this later!! I am a Gemini so you ---know--I have at least 8 books i am in the process of reading right now. Jupiter IS in Gemini LOL!!!!!
(3,794 posts)Thank you for sharing! We're learning! wahoo!
(5,198 posts)are another invisible but powerful cause of many social and physical problems right now. Another thing that blew my mind was how fetus respond in-vitro to the mother's adrenaline levels, as well as other chemicals being fed to it--condition the child's development to prepare for the world outside. If she is afraid all the time, her adrenaline levels will communicate that the world is very stressful.
Chronic high adrenaline levels burn out the adrenal glands--so that they fire off all the time and don't know how to turn off. They control 'fight or flight'--so even though this is a CHEMICAL source of fear, our minds become suspicious, paranoid, unhappy, mean and cruel, and we look for solutions on the mental level--instead of FIRST calming ourselves down.
When in fight or flight--we are in our reptilian brains--and blood is shunted from not only the frontal cortex--but all of the visceral organs in the abdomen--so chronic adrenal burnout--starves the internal organs of oxygen--for years too. Plus it prevents us from thinking rationally. Wow.
It is CRUCIAL for us to look around at all sources of stress--even that cup of coffee might be making your heart race--and take steps to find every way possible to re-train your subconscious--to not interpret every situation as a threat. It is actually a form of PTSD--when--day after day we expose ourselves to bad news--even on line--we are training our subconscious to BELIEVE this is an unsafe, dangerous, cruel, and doomed world. Plus we are being conditioned to believe that--we are POWERLESS to change it. And no matter what is really happening--if we already burn our our adrenals--we are in near permanent flight or flight conditions.
I worked for most of my life in emergency rooms, so I am speaking from personal experience here. This part of Lipton's lecture hit me smack dead center--because cancer and all other chronic stuff is exacerbated--if not brought on--by stress!! Bingo!!
(21,046 posts)I got the feeling of "I can't do this anymore. I can't deal with people."
Unrelenting stress in our society, bullying, severe competition, hate speech etc.
(5,198 posts)there is so much to learn lately, I can only hope that I can keep up with it!! I had to literally move away from most people I know, to save my life--and now I know my adrenals are burned out. People my age and younger are having heart attacks, and many other people are not doing well at all.
I think many of us here on ASAH see ourselves as healers, and yet we are stressing out ourselves. What I've heard from SO many sources is that--we have to rearrange our lives--now--to reduce stress. And just 'taking a walk' or 'having a jog' doesn't do it--we HAVE to get the adrenaline/cortisol levels down--either through biofeedback (this I believe in), tapping, or whatever works!
Just like Lipton is talking about--the subconscious has to get on board so that it does not have tapes playing that we are in constant danger.
Oh--and I have read that pictures, symbols and images so STRAIGHT into the subconscious--so what I've done lately is cut out all violence and thriller type movies (I don't like horror but love sci fi, and thrillers and adventures) and really watch what my body is telling me while I read news--and do an awareness check periodically during the day. I want to reprogram this stress response--and will be researching this one big time.
Good (and calm) journeys to you~~~~~
(21,046 posts)I have always been careful about the movies I watch, the tv shows I watch and the music I listen to.
You don't want to listen to violent, dissonant music. I like old rock and roll, classical (the best stuff), opera and jazz.
Fortunately I started piano lessons at five and violin lessons at age ten, and grew up as a classical music freak from playing in orchestras in school.
I will not listen to country because it is soooo negative and depressing and whiny. I won't listen to rap or hip hop either, because of the jerky nervous rhythms and lack of melody.
I don't watch violent movies or horror movies. I will have nightmares if I do watch them.
I don't watch TV shows full of competition and humiliation and angry speech.
(5,198 posts)to do that--mental manipulation is actually one of 'my things' (issues).I am trying to restrain myself from getting up on the soapbox LOL
TV is such a shock when I hear it--I actually cut the cable in 2003. I noticed late at night, that the screen kept--flashing--bright, dark, bright, dark, and timed the program ratio to the commercials it was like 7 and 5 minutes. The experience of TV felt like a such a manipulation, and I did notice that my anxiety went up with that flashy thing they do.
All we can control is our own abode--but I did buy one of these thingys-- Heeheeheehee!!! ----for 19.99 maybe it would be worth the fun!!!!!
(110 posts)This is a lot to take in, amazing. I have only tried tapping once but I became aware immediately of what my resistance was, and why I did not want to be incredibly wealthy. I could work on reprogramming, but there were things that I would have to take in hand. Or so it seemed to me.
This gives me a lot to look into. Thanks.
(5,198 posts)--anything you can share about tapping would be -greatly- appreciated. Does it work for you?
(110 posts)of a lady tapping for money, and I asked what tapping had to do with getting wealthy? It was explained to me that tapping was to dislodge old programming or the resistances we carry that have prevented us from having (________) fill in the blank, the thing we are trying to bring into our life. So I thought who doesn't want to be wealthy, right? I tried it out, stating the affirmation while tapping. I became aware, immediately, of the reason I felt resistant to being wealthy. I stopped tapping for money, but became more aware of myself, and how I limit myself. Money was not really what I wanted. But after that experience, I would use tapping again, for the things I do want. I'm not an expert though. Like I said I've only tried it once.
(5,198 posts)all this stuff is so new! It sounds like when you did this, it helped your awareness deepen.
(110 posts)But I'm really fascinated to see the science behind it, and to consider trying it again with my own affirmations for the things I do want to bring into my life.
(110 posts)that the things I became aware of, that created so much resistance, have been receding from my life recently. They have been receding because of changes I've made.
I am still not ready to have major piles of money laying around, but the things that I would have used that money for are becoming more accessible to me. So I guess that just being aware can make a big difference in your behavior. Once you see it you can't not see it anymore. And maybe I'm less likely to step into it if I see it.
I know that I am tap dancing around a word here, but my word may not apply to others, while my experience may generalize.
Thank you for helping me recognize my progress.
(5,198 posts)how the most profound a-ha moments are the hardest to explain! It's like a knowing that we reached some wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, we truly learn from each other
(5,198 posts)Lipton talked about reprogramming the subconscious in his tape, and said that in order to change the input to the subconscious, you have to change your daily routine. Change your behaviors. 70% of thought is subconscious, by tuning into your internal dialogue as often as possible. Being mindful, aware, present--to be here now. To have a conscious intention, and to beware of negative programming. This part is not new to most of us here, it just affirms that we are on the right path
Then he mentioned Energy Psychology, which I still have to check out. This is the only site I found so far.
I will post the clearest and best videos as I find them on EFT and the other stuff!! Plus I am looking for other people and sources of related information so that this stuff can become clearer.
Does anyone here know about EFT or reprogramming the subconscious?
(23,664 posts)

Thank you!!!
(5,198 posts)--everyone is unique in what may set off their adrenaline. I think many many people have had traumatic experiences that can be triggered and make the adrenaline shoot up (raising her hand).
Here is what I think is going on with me, just in case anyone here thinks Felix doesn't have her issues
I am working on this, going to try out a meditation group this week. And one thing that HAS to change--is the 'Paradigm of Helplessness." We ARE fully capable of reprogramming our OWN subconscious, I think a lot of this has to do with not only listening to our own wisdom--but HONORING it and acting upon what we KNOW to be true. Tune into our bodies--and when something doesn't feel right-take steps to calm ourselves down in real time.
Another thing Bruce Lipton pointed out was that we spent too many hours each day on autopilot--which activates these subconscious programs. I think if we spend more time each day in a mindful conscious state, noticing our self-talk, what our bodies are telling us, then we can eventually reset our subconscious resting state--because remember he said--the subconscious is nothing but a tape recorder--we are just recording over the old stuff, we can't really change memories, but our RELATIONSHIP to the memories.
(5,198 posts)Just to clarify, this is --not medical advice-- this is an exploration!!
David Berceli noticed that animals always--shake--after stressful experiences, so he devised a set of exercises to do to bring on this shaking--you have to let go and allow your body to shake for as long as it needs to--to let go of trauma. He has traveled all over the world to traumatized villages and just got people, kids, families, to just lie down--and do this.
I actually did some of these exercises in a class, and they are--very--interesting and effective. You don't have to know what the trauma is to do these exercises.
From his book:
TRE--trauma release exercises--David Berceli, Ph.D. is an international expert in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution. He is also the energetic and creative founder and CEO of Trauma Recovery Services (1998). For the past 22 years he has lived and worked in nine countries providing trauma relief workshops and designing recovery programs for international organizations around the world. Dave has lived and worked extensively in Israel/Palestine, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Yemen, Egypt, and Lebanon. Fluent in English and Arabic, David brings a keen understanding of the intertwining dynamics of religion and ethnic customs and has developed specific processes to enable people to manage personal trauma as well as bring healing and reconciliation between diverse groups. He is the creator of a revolutionary and unique set of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) that help release the deep chronic tension created in the body during a traumatic experience. David continues to be involved in trauma recovery programs not solely for the sake of reducing the suffering caused by trauma but because he has recognized globally that trauma possesses unique possibilities of transformation in the individual if they pursue their recovery process to its ultimate end.
David Berceli wrote a book on this, Trauma Release Exercises
A beautiful video on TRE being used in South Africa:
(5,198 posts)is an energy medicine I find very interesting, I have had this done on myself. You can learn just a series of hand positions laid on your own body, and learn a series of hand holds or mudras, that you can use when you are under stress. And/or you can go to a practitioner and have this done on yourself. You don't have to remove clothes to do this, it is done completely dressed.
Here is the history of Jin Shin Jitsu, and the woman who brought this to the US from Japan.
Here is a video explaining it:
Here is an instructional video on the hand positions and mudras

I have had very good results from Jin Shin--and find the hand positions and mudras are VERY useful to learn. Just writing this post reminds me that Felix is now being called upon to DO what I have learned--big time LOL!!!
The Uranus square Pluto is kicking some butt!!!!

(27,137 posts)...I've heard of Bruce Lipton's work and have seen quotes from him in other articles. David Wilcock has also talk about this subject in reference to work done by Russian scientists on cellular consciousnesses and spontaneous cellular generation, in some of his lectures.
And just yesterday I read another article (which mentions Dr. Lipton) in the same vein: DNA, our Computer Chip. Here's an excerpt from 'The Awakening' article:

(5,198 posts)what an excellent article. I hadn't heard of the Russian scientists research. You know the amazing thing is , there is SO much information coming in right now, I wish I could clone myself and read everything, or plug in like Neo in The Matrix and just download the stuff LOL!!
(23,664 posts)felix_numinous
(5,198 posts)
Now we have these wonderful machines--and we can control what we expose ourselves to. It is perfectly natural to want to know what is going on in the world, but when in a state of chronic stress, I wonder if this leads to a tendency of looking for information that CONFIRMS or AFFIRMS this state. We want to look for reasons WHY we feel stressed, and are attracted to the worst news so we can feel better--by externalizing this internal state. We can say --oh that's why I feel so stressful, instead of pulling back into our own bodies and self awareness and realize, there is no danger HERE, why should I be carrying the load of the world on my back?
We like to think we are masters of these machines, and this high maintenance society we have built, but actually I think we need to step back and take another look at what is happening to us.
Because at the same time, we are all one, and many of us --feeling--what is going on in the world, the planets and in our own family and being able to totally calm ourself sounds like a great survival tool for these times!!