Unplugging the Patriarchy...Lucia Rene
Snippet from: http://unplugfromthepatriarchy.com/
"How can we facilitate the birth of a new world?
The Patriarchy has conditioned women to be weak. But our spiritual essence is, and always has been, powerthe ability to access power from the depths of silence, to hold power within our bodies, to wield power tempered with the balance of the heart.
At this moment, women are being asked to stand in their power. Not to stand against something, not even to stand for something, but to stand in the energy of the Divine Feminine, an alignment where the polarity of for and against comes to rest. As individuals, none of us can heal the desecration of the Earth or bring peace to the world. That is the job of Spirit. But even one woman standing in this energy and allowing it to direct her lifes work facilitates the job of Spirit in a more efficient and graceful way.
The Patriarchy has conditioned women to compete against each other as a way of keeping us disempowered. It is time for us to throw off our conditioning, reach out to each other, and collaborate. Collectively standing in our power causes the One Heart/One Mind network of energy to vibrate with light. The more light, the more gracefully the patriarchal power structures come to rest.
At this moment, men have a very different task: to reclaim the energy of the heart, to honor women while they do their sacred work, and to process their response to the crescendo of female power.
What does the future hold?
Between now and the end of 2012, as the old patriarchal age ends and a new age begins, wewomen and men alikehave a window of opportunity: the opportunity to dream a new world based in the energy of the heart, feminine/masculine balance, unconditional love, and respect. There is no question that this new world will prevail. The only question is: How big can we dream?"
Get your free daily interview: http://www.cmn.tv/daily-free-interview/ (Incredibly good site.)

(4,225 posts)N/t
mother earth
(6,002 posts)
(5,198 posts)on Earth definitely needs balancing, and I love to hear about how this is happening. What a great article
(110 posts)A quote came to mind as I read this, " and a little child shall lead them." I've never seen anything cure a man of misogynistic thinking better than having a daughter. I love seeing "jock" guys from high school coaching their daughter's sports teams, and supporting other opportunities for them. Loving our children drives people to make the world better for them.
(23,664 posts)but what is described here is precisely the energy on which Wishadoo has been built.
I've often asked people to join me there, to "dream a new world and create it...together."
Yet it is indeed the energy of the Divine Feminine that is imbued throughout Wishadoo.
Whether it's at the Wishlist ("a craigslist of compassion" , the Marketplace (where you can "shop for good"
, the Business Directory (listing businesses of integrity), in Groups where people gather for various reasons, or any of the off-shoot projects (www.ourcollectivegood.com), this is indeed the energy, and I am confident Wishadoo is the energy of a new world.
Please....I hope you'll join me if you're so led. I'd love for people to start contributing original content with a focus on creating our new world.
(I need to create a post for GD to bring some things to their attention; I may ask you guys for support when I do. )
A few recent blog posts:
(3,747 posts)
This really feels so right. May 2013 be all that we desire.
(3,747 posts)Prajnaparamita (praj na para meeta) who is known as Yumchenmo in Tibet is the Mother of all the Buddhas. She has been hidden from about the 2nd century until recently. She is a mature woman who is beyond wise. We are awakening to our Buddha Mind (the unborn mind)
Her mantra is
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svoha
Gone Gone Gone Beyond Gone Far Beyond Oh Enlightenment