Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
Funny, I thought with merc coming out of retro and the lunar eclipse and other Big planet stuff we'd be feeling a little smoother this week.
Seems like the wild ride of the ages continues, most people I know are also sharing stories of upheaval, either emotional or actual.... or the feeling like the 'easing-up' we were hoping for...just...hasn't... *clicked* .....yet...
Now whether it makes sense or not, i have a theory. (hehe, of course)
We are earthly beings and the tides of the seasons also run deep within us. Perhaps we are more influenced by the earth's cycles than the planets, since they are quite a bit farther out there...
Solstice, means "sun-stands-still"...and we are sitting right IN that energy for at least another week.
Like the top that wobbles, it is hanging on that farthest point leaning away from the sun. you can feel it...
And where in the summer, we get to stand in the full sunlight - in the winter we are standing facing the darkness. that can be a bit daunting, to say the least.
So i guess my little piece of sharing this day is to give ourselves a little gentleness, realize we are still 'in the cave' for a while yet, and to face our shadows. Because we can always light a candle in the darkness...we have that within...
and before we know it, our standstill will be moving forward, rushing back towards the light once more. That centrifugal force will catapult us into that New Year and we can begin to move our dreaming out of the cave and into our reality.
Blessings for us all this Solstice
(15,758 posts)Great post.
And I think that all our emotions, and all the planetary influences, are exacerbated at this particular time in our evolution as well, as we move into 2012. Double, triple, quadruple (fourple LOL) whammy, at least.
I've noticed this week has been especially bad for crabbiness. Lots of people sniping, being short tempered, pointing fingers, picking fights. Generally nasty. And I don't think it's holiday stress, either. It feels different. It reminds me of how little kids behave when they're tired and hungry--lashing out without thinking, not caring who they hurt, because they're uncomfortable and don't know how to express it properly.
So we got dat going for us also, which is nice.
I think if we make an effort to face the darkness with awareness, acknowledge it, embrace it, and then shine a light in our spirit, we'll get through just fine.
(14,444 posts)..especially the Triple-quadruple thing!
well, think of it this way too...
How many of us are feeling like we have been 'straddling' worlds for a while?
perhaps the "shot through the shadow" (cuz I see it as if we are being shot from a bow in effect) will be making that split more definite than ever? and those who are choosing illusion over light will be hurting more, as will we because we are stepping over a vibrational wall as well... so we have to try and remember AT ALL COSTS to STAY in our higher vibrations when interacting with everyone and everything... dropping into fear blame anger or sorrow will hopefully be a shorter experience because we will be able to remind ourselves it's illusion and bounce right back to stable...
We have to be more and more conscious of our own energetic bubble, and also more willing to send healing instead of reacting with our baser emotions.
I know we have all been practicing this for a while now, but maybe the next year is more about 'doing' it on a different stage? or maybe it's just no more dress rehearsal?
(14,444 posts)is it calming down?...seems pretty calm here so far...
But I haven't been out in the 'world' yet today... just wonderin if i need my hip boots or not!
Sanity Claws
(22,086 posts)I had a wild ride recently but today I was able to say and really feel, let it go. I forgive.