(8,423 posts)Thanks for posting. I wonder how old the clip is? Talbot is also rather easy on the eyes-just saying.
(5,198 posts)what a pleasure this was to watch. Thank you so much
(3,747 posts)I even like Fred Allen Wolfe more. My fav of his work is "Parallel Universe" It makes quantum physics so logical and understandable, I almost feel smart reading it! But really, it was what introduced me to quantum physics and I have been hooked ever since.
Brian Greene is also fab. He has a tv show, something about the marvelous universe (probably science channel) but if you have dish, you can look him up.
(3,794 posts)I'll try him on
(3,794 posts)the Wolfe book?
(3,747 posts)that the universe is a figment of our imagination and that we control the dream...if only we could. But we buffet around...actually this book led me to Buddhism. The "3 laws" of life...it's suffering, get over it and you can't get there from here. So the Dalai Lama just laughs and laughs.
Actually this was one of the first books about quantum mechanics and relativity written in terms that anyone can understand. It was written in 1988 and was very avant garde for its time. Your question made me pick it up again. It's a good read.
(3,794 posts)I'm trying to marry astrology to quantum and holograms, now, that's the "next" frontier.
It's just amazing.
(3,747 posts)Black Holes don't consume all...information is left behind.
My favorite metaphor is the diamond. It is one but the facets are multitudinous. And it is my belief that astrology is sort of like a tracking device for our journey "through" the universe.
I've been studying Tibetan Buddhism lately and Geshe Dorji said in a talk that we have all been each other's mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children in this and all the universes and that the blood from just one sentient being's lives could fill all the seven seas.
So, the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round; the wheels on the bus go round and round..(of course, I only know one line of the song) and astrology just shows us where the ruts in the road are.
Good luck with all your work and writings. I'm so glad I get to know you!
(8,423 posts)I always enjoy them... I always thought, well not always, but the last few years definitely, that suffering only leads to the lessons we need to learn. But that we are meant to be joyful, that suffering is not really the plan...through any perceived suffering, we do get over it, in order to move forward...and I'm thinking the you can't get there from here is another way of saying, you can't solve a problem the same way you created it? ...
(3,747 posts)According to Geshe, everything is about the preceeding moment. How you handle each situation is the determining factor of how many times you have to do it. That is the point of Budhhism, I think; to become skillful about living without attaching more karma.
I am working very hard to do this, but this is what meditation is about; finding the space in between the action and the reaction and choosing wisely in your response. Which goes to your question of solving problems...and I think you're right that you can't solve the problem by retracing the creation of it. Although I have certainly been chasing that tail lately. Thanks for the reminder!
(1,296 posts)I'm not sure that I believe in all of it, but it is interesting to ponder ~
Here's a link to an article sorta along these same lines: "There is Physical Evidence of Reincarnation":
The topic of xenoglossy is compelling. I think I remember a case where a child could speak not only a foreign language fluently, but one in which only a handful of scholars were able to decipher because it was considered to be a type of ancient language.
For myself, I've always had this paralyzing fear of submarines which I can't readily explain... (though I think maybe I could have died in one in a past life?)
Thought provoking, to be sure ~
(3,747 posts)people and scenarios life after life because of our attachments and revulsions (suka/duka in Sanskrit)
To be personal, my family (both mother's/father's sides) have a long written history that spans centuries. Before coming to America in the 1500-1600s they were prominent in England and Wales. My father's family was from the North and my mother's from the South and we relived the civil war in their marriage...but I digress, what was interesting is that the families lived mere miles from one another in Europe before the diaspora.
I know that I have met people from "before" and I believe this is a "clean up" life where I am working my 4th step over and over again.
(15,888 posts)Thank you Rick!