can we just call this the Prayer and Healing thread for now?
nothing fancy, no disclaimers, just needed a place to ask for love and healing for me and the family. and I am sure there's others who need love and light too...
Both kids have cycled thru a tummy bug in the past 36 hrs... meaning I have lost two nights sleep, and my house is messed up beyond recognition. Food stamps are late this month, so we are making due, good thing they aren't that hungry! ...feels like the New year has not even officially started for real yet, since they don't go back to school till tomorrow. and I wanted to be really moving AHEAD with my own stuff and trying to make some MONEY for a change...and now I am just thrashed, depressed everytime I look at the housework, and demoralized as far as doing anything progressive with creative work...
guh. can I please have a do-over now?

(4,225 posts)n/t
(31,170 posts)You already know that helping those who are ill and taking care of ourselves is way more important that a tidy house, but I do understand that it can make us feel worse when we feel like we are going backwards instead of moving forward. It's just a moment in time though, and you will move through it soon.
(14,708 posts)I made some coffee, started another load of laundry, made a list and put checks next to the things the kids can do, plan to crank up the tunes and try to dance through it, because sitting here crying doesn't help...maybe I can nap around 4? ...and I'll just make oatmeal for dinner!
(31,170 posts)I'm inspired by this!
I have achy joints and a messy house, music will help me get though it too!
(14,807 posts)There is small disruption in the air. For many people. Projects on hold here also. Priorities shift but only for a short while. Things will get back to normal. Maybe even better than normal!
(14,708 posts)that i am not the only one feeling this 'drag'....
(14,807 posts)to unplanned events, etc.... getting behind in their projects, work, it is in the "air".
(3,602 posts)I know it's been a hard road for you lately; may you soon receive many wonderful blessings!
(10,453 posts)provide what you need at this time so that you can focus on taking care of your children and yourself. Also, asking the Universe to give you a huge boost of creative energy and a heightened sense of self worth, knowing that you are loved. And the can wait until you're feeling better.
(4,225 posts)Please forgive me. Of course i'm sending!
(15,812 posts)and thanks for the prayer thread.
(22,298 posts)FirstLight
(14,708 posts)
I hate that I have these ideas of how organized I *want* to be...and somehow life just gets the best of me! lol
thanks for the healing energies, i think Devin's fever is gone and hope to send him to school anyway tomorrow...