I just read about November 19, 2024 that Pluto enters Aquarius
I watched this video yesterday
Titled " Did Pluto changed the election? "
Has anyone ever watched her?
And this article
It sounds like there are major changes coming.
Please let me know if anyone has any insight about things to come and what to watch for

Clouds Passing
(4,012 posts)
(13,870 posts)Almost all the reputable psychics have shared their need to be cautious with what they say...risk being shut down... there are trigger words that draw attention. ...videos are missing and the trolls are malicious more than usual.
We have to almost read thru the lines to get their message....
(39,220 posts)She had predicted a Harris win and said the loss may have been caused by something at the last minute, like what the OP is saying:
I didn't watch the whole thing 'cuz I didn't like her much. Her language is a little too airy-fairy for me. But in case any of you want to watch, I put the link above.
Clouds Passing
(4,012 posts)I did mind her valley girl accent (pet peeve) vocal fry, and right? as if they need everybody else to validate what they just said.
polly pureblood
(37 posts)I'm not about to watch a video. Pluto in Aquarius is power to the people. This is the Aquarian Age we've been waiting for. The old system (Capricorn) is crumbling. Aquarius is a progressive, freedom-loving sign.
(1,327 posts)I started to look at the psychics who had predicted a Harris win and then I noticed information about Pluto going into Aquarius.
So I made a post to see if other people were curious also.
And now with 45 picking his cabinet so quickly and. Stupidly , it's making me wonder why does he need to have this. Done so fast??
The age of Aquarius and 45 does not compute.
(39,220 posts)trump is going to be around too long. I am getting this from MaryAnn's latest video, posted yesterday by Liberella. If you watch the end of that video, it is very stark. Other places, too, which I will also explain.
Also from her video: a good thing is that American democracy rejuvenates. This is in keeping with the Age of Aquarius. If you find this surprising, I don't. Here's why, at least why seen through a teacher's point of view:
Speaking as a teacher, there is a form of adult learning called "experiential learning." While I taught at the university level, I also taught interpersonal communication in corporations. As you might imagine, it is very important for corporate employees to have good listening skills and be able to express themselves in a way that gains cooperation and motivates.
Experiential learning is the way we "teach" adults. It is different than how college students are taught. With experiential learning, you don't tell the students anything, like you do with the lecture/test method so often used in college-level teaching. You put them through an experience and they teach themselves. The group sees how the task evolves and they learn through the process and from each other.
In experiential learning, the teacher is called a facilitator. How good you are is based on how well the students put it together on their own. In essence, you really don't tell an adult anything. They have to put it together themselves.
America is going through a vast experiential learning exercise right now. The American populace is seeing what it's like having a crazy/senile person as president. The penchant for a reality show is hitting the skids as they see that if trump has his way, rapists would be in charge of just about every U.S. government agency. The graphic, lewd nature of their behavior is being discussed ad nauseum on television, radio, and podcasts. While this is very distasteful, it is necessary for certain elements of our population to hear this
Trump is going to be gone, but that element of the population needs to see how destructive and bad it would be if he were to continue, which he will not. It is best for trump to go out this way rather than being taken out by the law. This way it is a force of nature, which even Magats understand. They will not riot over his ending due to illness where they might if he was prosecuted by the DOJ.
As far as what will happen to him, I don't think I need to point it out to the people who read this forum. I am certain you all can see it, just as I do. He is visibly pale, low energy, and there is simply something wrong; something seems to be sapping about 30% of his energy. Note that he did not release his medical reports. I have read that his doctor did not dare put the the dementia part in writing.
I think, but am not sure, that Cash Peters also alludes to this and it is toward the end of "The Dominos May Yet Fall. Miracles Can Happen. Plus, 47s Cabinet Picks." He does this somewhere, and I think it's here but not positive.
In Cash's latest video, "The Election: So Were We Bamboozled or Not? (And if so, what now?) + Things Get Serious in Europe," he tells how far Project 2025 gets. Urm....it's kind of a mess. About what one might expect from some fairly incompetent administrators. Not completely ineffective but far from their dream.