WOW!!!!! If you ever get a chance to do a healing session with Banzai Bonnie......
Please do it! You will not be sorry!
The heat is still sloughing off of me in WAVES!!!! LOL! And the session was hours ago.
I'm Drinking mass amounts of water.snort!
She really will eradiate you (In a good way) And she is a joyfull person to work with!!!
Thank you profoundly Miss Banzai Bonnie . ((((Hugs))))

Remember Me
(1,532 posts)eradicate you --
NO WAY!! I wanna stay awhile!
Well its clear you don't speak fluent 'Howler" Remember Me.
NOOOOOOO The oppisite of eradicate! " Eradiate" I know my spelling is awful and no one can mangle the english language quite like I can.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)"Fluent Howler." Hahah. I like that.
I think you were reaching for irradiate. Or perhaps illuminate.
In any case, it was fun.
(4,225 posts)So its Irradiate with an I like "It' instead of an E like "EEk" Got It! LOL!
I guess thats why you are a published Author Remember Me .
I want to profoundly THANK YOU for trying to" illuminate" me on proper spelling .
Did you notice My vocabulary grows when proper spelling is present.
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)I too am known to have kooky spellings for words. And, yes all of my wonderful works of art in writing classes came back hemorrhaging profusely because of spelling errors. But, YESS!! I have a magic solution. It's called copy and paste to Word!! I tell ya, works like a charm. And, I just did it. Now I talk goood. :-D
(4,225 posts)I'm holding Out for The D.U. spell check. Damnit! LOL!
Last year I let my membership Lapse and couldnt post on ASAH for at least a week because I was holding out for the "Heart Thingy".
Besides You guys are all psychic empaths ....interput dreams..... interput posts....Practically the same thing ....right?!!!! HAHAHA!!!!
I have a facebook account that I don't use often because they don't have a built in spell check which to me is quite un civilized.
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)I hope you packed a lunch, packed some cloths and got a hotel room. hehe
Howlers own occupy movement...sweet!!
Well, I'm packing my things too!! But, I'm also stubborn. So, I'll most likely be using Word while I wait wichah. HAHA!!
(4,225 posts)An Occupy spell check movement1!!! LOL!
My spelling has actually improved since I joined D.U. LOL!
You should of seen it in 2007.
Now heres something that is pretty scary Mr Howler has a 4 year degree in math and computer sciences and spells even worse then i do. HHHHHOOOOOOWWWWWLLLLLLLLLL! He comes to me for spelling advice.
Your posts always look good Rainbow Sunrise. Word looks good on you.
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)I always find it funny when people ask me for spelling advice. I'm like "Oh no. You don't want to do that. That would be...baaad!"
You added that other bit there. You know it takes me a while to get from Word to here. hehe But, yes, I agree. Uncivilized!!
(4,225 posts)I always have three Pugs in my lap while sitting down here in Howlerville.
Its hard enough to type (with Two fingers) let alone have several open windows on my computer to jump back and forth on.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)Barely controlled chaos does not good spelling make! Lotsa good puppy love, tho, it does make.
BTW, I meant to mention: get yourself FIREFOX browser and you can have tabs instead of windows, but better yet, it underlines your spelling errors in red.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)
Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
As for that "published author" bit -- ah, well, yeah. That and $3.50 will get you a coffee of some kind at Starbucks. (Or so I'm told.)
Just remember this: It's the IDEAS that matter, not whether the words they're clothed in are spelled properly. For some people the spelling part comes easy (moi), and for others it doesn't. But what is the content of the IDEAS? Are they worth anything? Thinkers can find spellers (or spell checkers now in this day and age). We need good thinkers.

But you seem to have a lot of fun with it which is totally charming and infectious as all get out!
(4,225 posts)Elucidate...... Now thats a WORD!!!!!!!!
(29,414 posts)(see the "Sex" and "Orgy" threads in the Lounge) here's the root meaning for "elucidate":
[font face="Bookman Old Style" size="3px"]elucidate
1560s, perhaps via M.Fr. élucider (15c.) or directly from L.L. elucidatus, pp. of elucidare "make clear," from ex- "out, away" (see ex-) + lucidus "clear" (see lucid). Related: Elucidated; elucidates; elucidating.[/font]
(4,225 posts)I knew what "Elucidate" meant.....but I had to look up "Etymology" Ah Ha!!!! Tracing back the origin and development of words... Why You!!!
Thanks Word Good!
Saw that Orgy thread. LOL! What the heck do you do with Velveeta anyways?????
(2,649 posts)Had a session with Bonnie today, and all I can say is WOW. I'm STILL in an altered state, but everything seems to be flowing again.
Edited to say a great big THANK YOU to Bonnie for this lovely gift.
(4,225 posts)Oh Kookaburra!.....First you connect with this lovely and joyful voice on the phone.
Then you relax into where Bonzia Bonnie guides you. All the time this joyful happy voice guideing you .
Then it happens. you feel this wave of warmth that is sooo welcome into your senses. LOL! and still this wonderful voice full of love and laughter leading you through the session.
Bonnie even connects and holds the vision that you BOTH see at the same time.
Bonzai Bonnie then brings it to a very gracious conclusion... You both say goodbye.
Then this Tital wave of intense HEALING energy washes over you bringing you into proper alighnment which keeps coming in waves the rest of the day! LOL!
I hope you had a bottle of water with you Kookaburra.(which she advises you do) because you are REALLY gonna need and want it!!!
Bonzai Bonnie is the very best!!!!!! And I WILL be sceduling a healing session with her at least once a year. If she will have me. LOL!
Did you check out her blog /?????
Part One
Definitly ascended!
Part Two