Well, Well, Well...Merc Retro Has Struck Again
I did wonder if it would and now here we are, everyone ready to wrap this impeachment up and call it a day...the defense having booked their flights home and then... Now there's talk of this going on for weeks even months.

(38,601 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)
(31,745 posts)Too many things are glitchy in my household.
(35,454 posts)these last weeks so I sympathize
(31,745 posts)unemployment benefits.
I am still getting odd emails saying I owe people money. I have Experian, and the companies in question are working on it.
I am having major headaches with a young woman in our activist group that is under the Indivisible umbrella, but independent.

(35,454 posts)Here's info from Marjorie Orr on the enablers...
Of his enablers: Ted Cruz, 22 December 1970, will have his moments of cheer this year interspersed with nerve-stretching drama. Even more so in 2022 when his Saturn in Taurus opposition Venus will be knocked sideways by tr Uranus square tr Saturn which may hit him financially; but hell be in a mood of bullish confidence all the same in 2022/2023 in patches with tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint.
Mike Lee, 4 June 1971, a Sun Gemini in an ideologues Air Grand Trine is questioning his path with the Eclipses, Lunar and Solar, stirring up his Sun and Jupiter Neptune this coming year; and has a shock/dose of high insecurity in July onwards, with likely over reactions on his part as tr Uranus squares his Mars. Like Cruz hes in for a hard push in 2022/23 but itll be an uphill struggle with tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Pluto and opposition his Saturn/Pluto midpoints.
Lindsey Graham, 9 July 1955, looks confused if not devastated now and in turmoil in 2022/23 with tr Pluto square his Neptune this year and then moving on to oppose his Uranus Mars. Hell get some uplift later this month and through March but from late March hell slide back down the ladder into a disaster he wont have the motivation to tackle. In general this year is logjammed for him with Solar Arc Pluto square his Mars; with tense jolts from July onwards.
Josh Hawley, 31 December 1979, is having ups and downs this year with some light relief and a few successes spread out through just as many disasters and failures. Late February to late March this year and mid October to mid January 2022 look especially dire.