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(27,073 posts)MontanaMama
(24,239 posts)I just noticed that you dont spell the MFs name with a capital T. That made me laugh out loud!! Second...Im still learning...and I follow you closely...would you consider interpreting your report for this lay person? Please and thank you.
(965 posts)Last edited Sun Aug 30, 2020, 02:43 AM - Edit history (1)
There are no absolute interpretations in astrology.
Multiple birth charts (twins and up) have the same aspects going on but do not all get the same results from them. There has never been, nor will there ever be, an astrologer to predict the exact different effects on the siblings. Best that can be gleaned is that they are positive or negative. Any coloring beyond that is guesswork (unless the interpreter has inside information concerning any of them that might allow more specific or focused interpretation for them).
In my charts planets designated in Red, if applying to angles, presage difficult times at the time or to come. My charts feature planets applying to the angles. Blue is good, Red is the other guy's.
Linda Hamilton's identical twin sister and Terminator 2 body double Leslie H. Freas has passed away 'unexpectedly' at the age of 63
By Dan Heching For
Published: 00:43 EDT, 30 August 2020
"Linda Hamilton is mourning the loss of her twin sister Leslie H. Freas, who died last Saturday in Mount Laurel, New Jersey."
(27,073 posts)All I can see is some red stuff and some blue stuff, what the angles are, and what they might possibly mean, surely you can say something there.
Most astrologers do say those sorts of things.
(965 posts)the Sun, the Moon, and 8 planets to apply to the uncountable possibilities that might occur in connection with events in our solar system. There are no specifics. If there were there would be a great number of astrologers posting exact news that was to come every day
Anything beyond basically good or bad is, as I said before, guesswork. If you want that, I am not your man. Spouting a lot of words to appear knowledgeable is not my way.
Election night does not look good for tRump. To expand - he will not win the election.
Now I don't have to look at this stuff anymore.
(137,839 posts)You've done nicely, considering our impatience.
(52,538 posts)Aha! He is Number 4...the Emporer. Perfect. He must be the reversed Emporer though...
THE EMPEROR.--Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person; aid, reason, conviction also authority and will. Reversed: Benevolence, compassion, credit; also confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity.
(965 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe (15,115 posts)
5. To be honest, that's still not helpful.
But it is the truth and it is right.
(2,593 posts)An election horoscope? I dont mean the election, I mean a horoscope about an event? Or is this more of a mundane chart?