the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire...
we don't need no water, let the m*****f***** burn!
burn m*****f*****, burn!
the world is getting a lot hotter all over, isn't? like there's nowhere to escape, we must face this meanness within, or perish with it. almost like it is something that has always been within our control, the battle with our own worse nature among us. the time for hang wringing on the sidelines and mere hoping is up.
and some of you doubted the coming of the new age... can't you see the infusion of all this new light around us?
sing along now:
the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!...

(3,794 posts)I've been trying to say that for years. People are waking up, wahoo
Response to NuttyFluffers (Original post)
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(61,010 posts)busted!
Response to NRaleighLiberal (Reply #3)
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(28,749 posts)greatauntoftriplets
(177,385 posts)William769
(57,331 posts)
(6,811 posts)but oh well, ashes to ashes and all that. yay, obliviousness!
Response to NuttyFluffers (Reply #8)
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(6,811 posts)a song by Elliot Smith, "A Fond Farewell"
like watching yourself self-destruct through addiction because life's demands are killing every last bit of humanity inside -- and sitting in the room numb is you mourning, delaying the inevitable.
we as a species might make it. we might not. but we'll all sit in this living room until we decide:
embrace the heartlessness of our old life,
embrace the fear of our new, maybe desolate, life,
embrace the deadening of our delayed choice.
rather speaks to the past few months of the world on fire. enjoy!