UPDATE on The Boy N: If any can, please send vibes to my son June 2nd-tomorrow
Last edited Sun Jun 1, 2014, 10:45 PM - Edit history (1)
He is in a very bad place right now, though I cannot give details.
Y'all have always been here for me even when I've been away a while.
Please send some white light to my boy, N.

Thanks and I love you all.
Edit to add: Tomorrow is a big day for us. I have distracted myself as much as I can. He distracted me tonight by telling me all about the great first meal he made for his girlfriend. But tomorrow we will know a bit more about what's up with him.
Thank you to each and every one of you who has stood by me in this thread. I am crying right now, so full of emotion ( plus I just watched Call the Midwife and it was an intense episode about life and death - some distraction, eh

Anyway, you all have done so much. I had a few really bad panic attacks this week, both alone and while working but I tried to think of the light you sent and they were not long lasting. I made it through. But it's not about me as much as I'm whining here. It's about the wonderful person N is, and what he may lose, and how much I love my fourth child, a Capricorn, the quietest calmest baby I had but then the wildest of all of them! ( He's a drummer! )
PLease be thinking of us tomorrow.
I will return tomorrow to let you all know how it went.
I am terrified but I feel your love and good energy.
Thank you to all my ASAH angels

Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Sending light bright enough so that he can see his way out of the darkness.
(18,186 posts)It's very bad right now...but your light will help things
(378 posts)White Light, also Purple Flame to dissipate negativity and Gold Light to surround him for protection...praying that things get better for him soon...
Good luck and love and light to you also...there is NOTHING more precious to us than our kids and nothing else really matters...
(18,186 posts)You have no idea how grateful I am to you right now
He is still my baby, even at 28. To hear him sobbing breaks my heart.

(138,764 posts)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
VERY sorry.
(18,186 posts)It means a lot to know you guys are on it.
I love you

When we get things resolved I will let you guys know what's up.

(12,263 posts)healing and protection. Peace to you.
(18,186 posts)The protection is especially needed now for him
He is feeling better - y'all's light always works
Still pretty dire situation, but we are coping
(12,263 posts)and that you are able to cope. Easy does it; we'll get through this.

(4,482 posts)Light and Peace
(18,186 posts)It means a great deal at this time
The cruelty and sickness of our time seem to never take a day off
But our friends help us get through
(62,586 posts)Best thoughts to N and your family.
(18,186 posts)Watching a talented, good-hearted person get destroyed threatens to destroy me, too
But we are holding fast
Thank you so much
(62,586 posts)It can get better.
I know the accompanying anxiety is so hard, though.
(18,186 posts)When they call you up in distress - which this kid hasn't done in years - you are just beside yourself.
I am hoping it all works out for the best, but we are in a better place than we were.
You guys rock
(1,210 posts)vibes, love and Light.
(18,186 posts)It means so much
His spirit has improved and that is because of you all, I know
(5,510 posts)Tsiyu
(18,186 posts)crone in the South
Your love and light and peaceful vibes are helping so much
(54,555 posts)Tsiyu
(18,186 posts)I knew I could count on you guys
You are the safe harbor in the storm
Things are still pretty dark, but there is peace and maybe a light at the end of this dark tunnel\
Thank you for being there for us
(18,186 posts)you guys are amazing
(4,225 posts)Sending!
(18,186 posts)You are on my mind every single day.
I have been working and working and working on a certain piece of artwork. I keep whiting it out and starting over different parts. because I want it to be perfect,
My daughter says to stop this obsession, and I am trying. I am looking at this cute little critter as we speak. I have never had this much neurosis over any work ever! I guess cuz I love you so much I want it to be the best for you. My friend says I;m going to croak before I finish it.
I have an art showing of five works in June. I am hoping to put her in there....if she's done.
And of course this latest biz has set that back
But I am thinking of you all the time and I hope you feel that.
thank you so much for sending light to my boy. All the other 5 kids are doing awesome. But he needs us really badly right now
And, oh yeah, I love you.
(4,225 posts)I know they are going to love your work at the art show!!! I hope you get offers to sell! (((Hug))) I love you to woman!
(18,186 posts)Trying to do anything to bring in a few $$$--- livin' on the edge but mentally much better.
The nice thing is they only charge 10% if they do sell work, most galleries charge 40%
I have a meeting for my first grant for the np tomorrow - it went to the next level ( for the guild ) so I am excited about that. Hoping to get good at grants and get some of us volunteers and our director some pay
Just gotta get Boy squared away - that's the big worry right now. I could live in a paper bag as long as I know my babies ( all 21+ but hey! ) are okay.
I hope you and the pups are super cool. Do you ever sell your work at festivals? Bonnaroo is coming up and I always think about your tie dye. You do awesome
Seeya....a friend has built a super cool writing cottage and Imma help her get it sorted.
OMG while I was writing this the phone rang and I was offered a part time job starting tomorrow.
I need to come here more often
The universe isn't just smiling on you Tsiyu! Its shining a big ole shit eating grin from ear to ear!!!
I like that idea!
Had my first day on the part time job. Not too bad of a day. But I am worn out....
in a good way.
Here's hoping the world is shining a big ole shit eating grin on you and all the other ASAH ers as well!
Love and light to N
(18,186 posts)I was so distraught when I posted this - and so was he - but we are calm now, and he is in a much better place, both literally and figuratively. I can only say that I came here and only here for help because you people have some powerful juju!!!!
When it resolves I can talk about it. Right now gotta stay cool
But keep those vibes coming, we will need them for a ittle while more.
You guys are so awesome.
Thank you so much
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Just saw this...so sorry I wasn't there for the crisis.
But more light headed your way
(18,186 posts)The key date is June 8th...I will let you guys know what's up when I can, but I just got offered another part-time job while I was posting to Howler!
I think I'm never leaving this group
You peeps iz crazy good mojo!!!!!!
Hope things are better for you, too, Woman
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)1 day/week starting 2nd week of June -- enough work to fill my furnace to start next winter! I felt such a huge flood of relief, I knew that's what's been dragging my down lately.
Tomorrow is Gemini new moon -- time to plant another set of intention seeds...
(18,186 posts)We make it bit by bit don't we?
When I feel like I don't know how I will keep the lights on or the critters fed, someone or something comes through and I make it.
I am so glad this new part time position came open for you.
Here's hoping it's an awesome position for you and that you love it there.
And do a thread about intention seeds! I wanna hear about this!
I put tomatoes and peppers in yesterday, but they didn't have any intention plants at the lawn and garden center
(6,096 posts)late here, but I hope things are improving for you Tsiyu!!!
(18,186 posts)And we have to wait til June 8th for final answers, so you came on board with plenty of time to spare
Your blessings and love mean so, so much.
Together you folk are powerful and good.
(12,360 posts)
(18,186 posts)Things are better because of you guys, I firmly believe that.
Update: the new date to focus on is June 3rd.
I will update this closer to then ( it's next Tuesday) I will really, really, really need your help then. I cannot stress the gravity of what's gong on.
I am fearful right now for him, but we are holding firm and we are held in your light.

(2,940 posts)and peaceful thoughts to you and your son. Sorry I missed this earlier.
(18,186 posts)You got here just at the right time!
My baby needs all the good mojo he can get right now, all the light we can summon
And with you and all the others here, and even those who, like me, may not always post but still send those vibes, I feel I have an army of angels looking out for him and lifting him in peace and life.
I cannot thank you enough for being one of those angels
(21,363 posts)They are always our kids, and the worry doesn't go away just because they are grown. My kid is 35 and still I worry.
(18,186 posts)and they are all still our babies. ( But talk about making you feel old, right? )
A lot of people love my son who needs the vibes. They are all trying to help him and that means a lot.
Thank you so much Mnemosyne. I can't sleep for worrying about him and it's wearing me out. Your good energy and that of all on this thread and elsewhere who care is helping me feel so much less alone and afraid.
I've told him about this thread and he is grateful to all of you.
Thank you again, so much
(21,363 posts)I've slept well since my daughter was born! I hear you on the lack of sleep, and on feeling the 'old'!
DU can be a very consoling and compassionate place.
(18,186 posts)had a very rough day, Very dear friends and family held me and comforted me but
one of the main things that finally calmed me down was knowing you guys are here
I barely made it through a very important meeting without just breaking down in front of a nice audience.
yeah, I hear ya on the "since birth" thing!
DU is awesome. I am having a rough time coping. PTSD SUCKS, but DU and DUers like you help me more than I can ever say.
(21,363 posts)whomever is in need. ASAH has been sanity for me so many times, such loving people. DU in general has become a bit meaner the last few years though, sadly.
I always say I can sleep when I'm dead, and with my daughter it most likely will be that long...
Let us know when things are resolved, or if he needs more light.
missed this post
ASAH is the best place on the intertubes
No resolution today but you guys lifted my spirit on what could have been a very bad day.
I felt your presence and strength, can't explain it but you peeps got some serious mojo happenin!
I will post a new thread in a few weeks when I know more
(21,363 posts)

Sorry no resolution today, still sending as long as it takes!

magical thyme
(14,881 posts)more healing vibes headed your way this morning...
(18,186 posts)You have no idea how much they are needed right now
I am just ripped apart, and also so worried over that little baby in Georgia burned up in his crib.
Your healing vibes are felt and returned with love
(187 posts)Surrounding you both with Light and Love. Praying that you receive the best possible resolution.
(18,186 posts)You guys are so awesome.
It means so much to me that you all are on this.
I had to confront someone yesterday over their bad choices relating to N, and for the first time ever I didn't curse and was able to get through a conversation of that magnitude without having a panic attack.
Had dear friends surrounding me all day, from ASAH and IRL.
With my PTSD I have never felt confident in approaching this very cruel person. But yesterday I did it!
I believe in my heart you guys lifted me up and enabled me to do it.
And, I am not gonna cry now either! Just something in my eyes!
I love you all
(21,363 posts)to do that too. Any tips?
Remember to breathe.
(18,186 posts)and the benefit of time
IN GD here I let it fly as far as my words, no censorship because DU has been my venting place for almost 10 years now. ( I am coming up on my 10th anniversary- just realized that! ) IRL I don't curse that much, not in public anyway.
My daughter made me join DU because she knew I needed my vents and throwing books at the TV and yelling at it on Sunday mornings was only making me more frustrated to her way of thinking.
She was right.
So DU has been a big help with the PTSD as nuts as that sounds. But once I vent out the thoughts and anger, I feel so much better.
Also this site helped as I was talking: https://www.schr.org/
Someone I love very much works there. I just let the slide show on that page play as I was talking and it helped a lot.
Have a wonderful Sunday. I will be updating this post later this afternoon as the day of reckoning is now tomorrow, June 2nd and I need you all to send a lot of light. I am scared.
Love you Mnemosyne and I hope your Sunday is lovely
(21,363 posts)Thanks so much for the link. Much good info there.
I thought I was alone in my insanity screaming, swearing and throwing things at the tv! So good to hear others have too. DU has helped me much and not having television reception anymore has helped too.
I am hoping for the best possible outcome for N today.
(18,186 posts)
thank you for sending your love and light and hope
we shall endure!
Peace and I shall light a candle for all of you ASAHers tomorrow evening

(21,363 posts)
(26,001 posts)Light and love headed your way....
(18,186 posts)It means a lot to have you angels behind us.
This young man is so amazing - all the accomplishments he's made despite some very affluent, very cruel people doing everything they could to destroy him.
He has grown up to be an amazing person.
He plays 6 instruments and has been in a very successful band for five years. But now, because of petty people targeting him, it's all gone.
It's the weirdest situation....and so unecessary... I can't wrap my head around it. I will tell the story when I can.
But tomorrow, June 2nd, is the day of reckoning
I am thankful for you, villager, for caring about my boy
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)
(18,186 posts)no answers today, we have to wait a few more weeks. Down but at peace
thank all of you so much
I felt your light today when I needed it''
I will light candles tomorrow for each of you and for N
(29,414 posts)for both of you
(18,186 posts)no answers today but there is peace.
I will light a candle in your honor tomorrow evening
I am so grateful to all of you
(6,163 posts)I am so sorry!
Much love and light to you and your son!
(18,186 posts)I missed it somehow, but I thank you so much.
We will know more on the tenth.
Just trying to stay calm and do everything "in love" for life.
It's rough but we will make it.
I lit a candle for all of you. The power was out anyway, thunder and lightning, and me giving thanks for each of you who cares about the crazy Tsiyu and the Boy N.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)
(12,360 posts)
(21,363 posts)Here's to an easing of your boy's stress, and yours.
(5,510 posts)and sending love & light.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)
(21,363 posts)

(18,186 posts)The Maw Abides
Trying to get my place ready to sell. I may escape to NY for a while - just to figure out where I'm going next. I have a place to stay, and plenty of family close there, but things are evolving.
I want to come back to the USA.

Anyhoo, have family in Tel Aviv and from Sierra Leone ( here now for quite a bit, thankfully ) so there is much to fret over. Trying to take it out on the weeds. Without weed. Hmmmmm......
Yesterday, my admitted streak of mountain-honed, "hold my vape pen an whatch iss" took over. Couldn't find the string for the weed trimmer, so I fashioned some thin metal wire string cutters.
It ended well. I thought a rock hit my leg, no big deal, keep on choppin', but then it was an "oh that rock must still be in my shin because something doesn't feel right" moment.
Lift up the pant leg and there is a six inch piece of wire that went through my leg and out the other side on top of the shin bone right above my foot.
"Oh," says I. And I reach down and pull it out real fast.
I had antibiotics from an abscessed tooth I am still taking so today it's fine. But damn.
Hope the rest of you are doing well.
Thank you for your thoughts and love and I do feel it and it calms me.

Sending love and light in return. Shine on, shine on....

Will post more later as developments warrant.
Again, hope all are having a wonderful summer. Our weather has been wet but pleasant, last few days have been cool nights and breezy sunny days, like very early fall.
Wishing you rain if you need it, sun if you need it and strength to get through your days.
And love

(21,363 posts)

(18,186 posts)Leg is still a little sore, but no infection.
Boy is okay, but not okay. PLaying a waiting game right now with some very evil people. They rule the world.
Just still hoping for some "divine" intervention.
Lov you

(21,363 posts)Still hoping for the best resolution.