Mercury moves through Grand Cross
Molly's Astrology
Caution lights are flashing April 12-15. As Mercury moves through the Grand Cross formation in the heavens, we see traffic jams, connectivity problems, and cranky, uncooperative attitudes. Everyones in a hurry, and things arent going according to plan. Listen more than you talk.
The Lunar Eclipse on April 15 carries balancing, confrontational, other-oriented Libra energy. The blessing is that Libras ruling planet, Venus, may be the only happy planet in the sky right now, offering us a ray of hope that we can cut through the tension with compassion and goodwill. Cookies work well, too. Look for an opportunity to solve conflicts and find common ground with others. Plant a seed of peace and goodwill, and youll see results emerging above ground as soon as the next Eclipse cycle in October.¬if_t=notify_me