Dear friends. I have to say goodby.
I cannot abide the trolls who have taken over this website. I just flamed out today and let them all have it. All the nice people have left except in this community. I will try to take up on Facebook with you guys, but I have never felt comfortable with the format.

(1,210 posts)May you always have Love and Light as your companions.
(75,480 posts)LiberalEsto
(22,845 posts)It's such a shame that good people like you are leaving DU because of the ongoing turmoil. I hope you'll come back if sanity is restored.
(75,480 posts)decade while I was here. But I guess all good things come to an end.
(29,414 posts)It has certainly been devolving lately, faster and faster. I guess I'll see you on FB. Take care
(75,480 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)and you can moderate replies so the trolls can't post!
I just skimmed through some of those threads I was ignoring and have now come to the conclusion that I should refrain from posting any more fine art.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)Your birthday is Saturday so let me wish you an early Happy Birthday. Enjoy it in your birthday suit or your swim suit -- whatever you feel like that day. (Yes, I saw the flamed thread.)
I don't do FB but I hope to run into you again somewhere.
(75,480 posts)doesn't.
(43,049 posts)but at least the jury got it right.
We'll miss you (most of us, anyway) and wish you the best wherever you go.
On Thu Feb 20, 2014, 05:52 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
Dear friends. I have to say goodby.
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Poster just had a post hidden by jury for making the same accusations and slurs towards Duers.
Obviously, no lesson learned
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Thu Feb 20, 2014, 06:01 PM, and the Jury voted 0-6 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: An alert on this? Why can't she be pissed in peace?
I guess the trolls win here.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Nothing wrong with a goodbye post?
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Attn Admins: Good example of abuse of the alert system. Regardless of what happened in another thread, what is objectionable about this post?
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Whatever, let 'em say goodbye. It's a proud tradition and DU has certainly changed over the years.
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
Cannot reply to automated messages
(75,480 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)That's pretty low.
(15,888 posts)And who the hell has the nerve to come here and continue some dumb argument? I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving us Cleita and I wish you well. I would like to know who that alerter is though, since they seem to be stalking.
(25,592 posts)This is getting ridiculous.
(19,288 posts)Don't leave us. Trash the group. Put them on ignore. Then let them off when you get curious as I did. I try to be civil and comment to them if I happen to agree. But I'm afraid of being banned so I try not to instigate quarrels even when I disagree. So I stay out of their way.
I picture them in a boiler room working for Glenn Beck pushing right wing talking points and values to try and drive male and female liberals from the board. If you have ever read the troll tactics that are published to warn of the methods of disruption, you can note that they delight in seeing posters banned and causing anger and frustration in the members. They thrive on making us fight each other.
Talk to me by du mail if you need to vent.
(75,480 posts)PC to read into it. They have been after me for a long time and they did win. Good for them. I hope they enjoy this website when it's only them in lockstep with no one to stir up shit with. Because already many good people have left because they can't stomach the nonsense anymore. There are other venues. I will keep in contact by PM. Thanks.
(19,288 posts)Not the other way around as far as I'm concerned. Don't go forever. Lurk and come back after a little vacation.
(124,925 posts)Cleita
(75,480 posts)
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Vacations are good and posting less is good. Hate to have all the good folks vacate.
Happy Birthday!
(75,480 posts)Thanks for the birthday wish. I will be 74. Next year if I make it to 75, I'm getting a tattoo.
(62,584 posts)I have to admit: I've been considering leaving also. There is so much negativity and the jury system stinks most of the time. No one reigns in the ugliness. It's exhausting.
Peace & Blessings to you.
On edit: I've been gone all day. This was my second post in 12 hours. As soon as I posted the first part of this reply, I got called to be jury on a grossly inappropriate Reply to Cleita in that thread. (And I can't believe your reply was hidden. I've seen worse allowed to remain.)
Second edit: that nasty comment to you was allowed to stand by a jury, 3-3. Unfucking-believable.
(75,480 posts)
(10,362 posts)If not, farewell. I will miss you.
(75,480 posts)
(39,204 posts)Please don't go. You are a long-time valued member of this community. It will not be the same without you.
Please, please reconsider.
Don't go!!!
(75,480 posts)I probably will communicate in a different way.
(31,745 posts)I would rather have you here than some of them. Let us help you, if we can. I think we need you.
(75,480 posts)
get the red out
(13,696 posts)Do find us on FB.
Blessings to you.
(75,480 posts)I have to get used to that FB thing. This place is getting to overrun with tea baggers to be able to speak your mind.
get the red out
(13,696 posts)At this point I have most of my old high school classmates hidden on FB, they are 'baggers too since we are in Kentucky. The thing I like about FB is that through hiding and "liking" what I see has evolved to be focused on dogs, Pets in general, and dog agility, with a lot of ASAH folks showing up also.
(75,480 posts)The administrators have graciously reactivated my account. Thank all of you for being my friends over the years.
Hugs to you, Cleita.
For those who eventually tire of FB's shenanigans, Wishadoo still has a private, safe space for ASAHers when people want to use it.
(75,480 posts)DeSwiss
(27,137 posts)...only you know whether to go or stay. I've been debating the same question for some time now. And my recent foray into physical disability has made me question everything about what I'm doing and how I'm spending what time I have left. Sometimes it's just time to move on. For me, I decided to take a young woman's advice:
''Don't spend time angry at people. Forgive them. Life is entirely too short. Be good to each other.''
- Whatever you do, we'll always be together. Because, ''all are one.''
Take care.
(75,480 posts)
(6,163 posts)You would be missed too much if you left entirely.
Please don't go.
(75,480 posts)I will never forget that you introduced me to the secret. I tried it recently on getting rain here and it looks like it's coming like a deluge soon.
(6,507 posts)and hope you will come back to our group sometimes.
How do we find the facebook group, anyway?
(3,794 posts)join a group called DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND
(6,507 posts)isn't there a special facebook group for people in this group?
(15,888 posts)She'll get you going there.
(3,794 posts)the very best to you, we will meet you on Fb
(75,480 posts)
(6,811 posts)i know how it is, though. it really sucks being right about my prediction about this place. but it was noticeably coming with the way little needling and tangential single-issue shiny object activism was taking the place of actual positive change.
i already have a full greek chorus of disruptors on ignore. and learning about the ignore list to block certain people from being your juror was wonderful knowledge. i'd personally take a break as DU is obviously going through a pre-election shitstorm and the destruction of this place for communication is prime objective target for any project mockingbird.
i don't do facebook really either, so i guess the best will be wishadoo. i personally now rate positively websites on how much they don't struggle to create safe spaces, as i find such efforts perfect tools of censorship manipulation. eventually this place will fall to this same plague. keep in touch cleita, you were a wonderful voice of practical action and practical kindness on this website.
(75,480 posts)I'm trying to leave. It's still a great place to get and give information. I have to really deal with the Facebook thing since so many people have moved on to it. I loved your Tarot lessons from so long ago and still don't read them very well.
(6,811 posts)i only make quarterly visitations to the facebook. just the idea of more personal info out there, with everyone's batshit relatives and friends taking a peek too, is just asking for stalking and madness when talking politics, in my honest opinion. i'd personally keep it even lighter and more vapid on facebook, especially since all content you put on there becomes facebook property.
the internet is forever, like diamonds, and they want it under a cartel just as well.
the good news is the bullshit should abate a year or so from now. then the shoveling and mulching begins.
Response to Cleita (Reply #43)
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