Need help in GD: AVMA is voting on ending Homeopathy for PETS trolls are out in force and calling it WooWoo day in GD... hopefully you guys will find the info important.
...what's the problem with Mercola? who is that?
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)is a Pavlovian bell for the mainstream guardians.
And so, my qualifications: first and foremost, I am an osteopathic physician, also known as a DO. DOs are licensed physicians who, similar to MDs, can prescribe medication and perform surgery in all 50 states. DOs and MDs have similar training requiring four years of study in the basic and clinical sciences, and the successful completion of licensing exams. But DOs bring something extra to the practice of medicine. Osteopathic physicians practice a "whole person" approach, treating the entire person rather than just symptoms. Focusing on preventive health care, DOs help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don't just fight illness, but help prevent it, too.
I am also board-certified in family medicine and served as the chairman of the family medicine department at St. Alexius Medical Center for five years. I am trained in both traditional and natural medicine.
In addition, I was granted fellowship status by the American College of Nutrition (ACN) in October 2012. In order to obtain fellowship status with the ACN one must meet a minimum of four requirements. Those requirements include: co-author five or more publications relevant to nutrition in referred medical or scientific journals, demonstrate significant experience in patient care, hold a doctoral degree from an institution that is accredited by the Regional Accrediting Organizations and maintain status with the ACN.
In November 2009, I was named the top Ultimate Wellness Game Changer by the Huffington Post, an honor that celebrates 100 innovators, visionaries, and leaders in 10 categories who are harnessing the power of new media to reshape their fields and change the world. HuffPost readers voted me to the top to receive this special award.
(14,370 posts)i hate the faction of people who are just SOOOOOO against anything that isn't 'normal'
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)I had a very healthy ignore list, prior to my hiatus from all of DU.
Upon return, I took everyone off because I had built a sufficient meh attitude
(14,370 posts)assholes... grrrrr... i need to go take a shower and wash off the eeevil!
(29,414 posts)"If alternative medicine worked, it would be called medicine."
Their definition of "alternative medicine" seems to be that it's an alternative to medicine, instead of the fact that it's complementary to medicine. They reject the complementary part, as it doesn't fit with their paradigm of there being nothing helpful in holistic healing, or worse, that it's harmful, whether physically or monetarily.
meme exploder
(2 posts)What's that got to do with the price of eggs, dear? Don't see the connection to this particular thread...
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)That's a joke right? Surely you're not mistaking a quote from the LINK to a quote from a DU member?
You wouldn't fail like that? Not an evolved person such as yourself.
Here you are on another thread:
Um...yes, this woman created a quote.
View profile
It does not resonate with me, however. The word "spritual" is uber nebulous. A truly self-realized person does not feel fear and rage because those emotions are based in ignorance. However, someone with SOME spirtual understanding may feel those things and yet still be somewhat conscious. I agree that we cannot be what we are not. However, that doesn't mean we will never get to that place beyond jealousy, etc. (sic)
I would like to suggest you take some of your perfect spirituality and use it to get the freak over your obsession with DU in general and this group in particular. I just don't get how someone who so together, as you tell us over and over YOU are, continues to act like an ass. It really is an obsession; and obsessions are never healthy. So, get yourself to that place beyond your addiction to harassment. Get a new one. How long has it been since you took a good dump on your next door neighbor's porch? Try that one again; and see if you don't get the same release from anxiety as taking them around here.
comes a time
(4 posts)And how do you have the time to even come on DU for meme patrol, with your stellar resume?
Namaste, my pet!
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)DU is trying to silence your voice. You haven't noticed? Just like you haven't noticed that my resume' is nowhere in sight?
This is a community; and your voice has been deemed unfit to participate. 100's of times. Doesn't look like they are going to change their mind. I would put my money on your stalking activities as being part of your issue here.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)I don't enjoy being hateful. But you attacked me.
You come out of your hidey hole to accuse me of bragging on myself and posting off topic. If you were paying even a little bit of attention, you would see that I could not have been more ON topic. FL asked about Dr. Mercola, so I posted the link to HIS site and the page to HIS biography.
I see your pathetic posts in other threads, but I stay out of it. I don't call you out. If it's not aimed at me, it's none of my business. So all you have to do is back the eff off. I don't care what you think about me or my spirit/soul. I'm not looking for your advice; I don't even want to see you. I can't put you on Ignore because you are not a real member here. I figure you are a troubled person, and there is nothing I can do for you. Just don't come after me again, and we will leave it that way.
remember who you are
(2 posts)Remember this thing you wrote recently to me?
Why Syzygy (18,616 posts)
15. It's not what you think.
You were outed. That led more eyeballs to a posted link. Yeah. You're being talked about.
Is that what drives your disability; attention from strangers?
In this thread you mentioned "troubled person" and in the one I posted above you mention "disability." I could link a thread from several years ago that doesn't show you in such a great light--I won't. It's not the point. But I do wonder if you are projecting a bit with those terms. If you really believed what you said, I would think you'd have a much greater sensitivity.
You never used quotes regarding Dr. Mercola, so I ASSumed it was your resume. I didn't click on the link because I assumed it was a bio on him and I already know who he is. I was obviously wrong and I apologize for ASSuming it was your stellar resume.
I discovered that you are a Leo--makes perfect sense. But here's the deal: you can't put people in real life on Ignore. Maybe it's my wealth of mutable planets but I have no interest in only associating with those who echo my sentiments. I think a test of true liberalism is being able to relate to DIVERSE people, which includes conservatives, believe it or not. However, I don't live in Hillbilly Heaven so perhaps those who do are on their last nerve.
Take care!
P.S. You and I have so much more in common than those who dissed Homeopathy so it is very odd that you seem to tolerate them much better...
(14,370 posts)for losing it and calling some guy an asshole....
oh well, i guess I need to take a break from the internet today
(2,649 posts)"Well behaved women seldom make history"
(8,423 posts)Glad to help. I will come to comment to help the cause anytime at-tall.
I notice that the Monsanto thread has a few outlandish characters as well, and I am just aghast!
(29,414 posts)and while I agree with what you said, as you can see, the septics will never back down. Anything that doesn't fit in their paradigm is to be ridiculed. It also doesn't matter that the activity of ridicule and mocking are aspects of bullying. You simply can't tell them that, either.
The problem with GD and all the other big forums is that they are "open" and completely opposite of safe havens. Even though some people may read a great post like Firstlight's, the majority of the responses will be as bad as those we saw there. I feel it's this reason why I don't see the few furries here attempting to discuss that topic, even in an accepting safe haven like our own. The septics simply will not "allow" it, or not without massive amounts of mocking.
This is also why I won't discuss the otherkin stuff on DU anymore, either (it was just as bad on DU2, so it's not new to DU3.) There are enough communities for that elsewhere, with all the kin I could ever wish to talk to
could it be seitan
(4 posts)Isn't that related to sewers?
Oh, SKEPTiC!!!!
(And don't claim it's a typo. You've done it on more than one thread )
(408 posts)Not saying all of it, but much of it does. We've interviewed Dr Mercola on our radio program. I won't mention the name of it on DU out of respect for the members here, because we cover Monsanto foods, greenhouse growing your own natural foods, quantum physics and spirituality, self sustaining green homes, green energy, life after death, consciousness, think tanks on jobs and the future of mankind, and all other things that would be so unpopular here. I have much respect for you. and others like you who are brave enough to seek working alternatives to big pharma.
I appreciate your thread and the time and genuine thought that went into. Don't give up, there are a lot of us who care. You're just ahead of the curve and that's a good thing.
(4,482 posts)Thanks
(5,562 posts)Speaking for myself, I just avoid those septics and don't engage them. I think some of them are paid to disrupt for one thing and for another, I simply prefer peace.
I know alternative medicine works better than allopathy for myself, but we all are blessed with free will and have to do what we believe is best.
(29,414 posts)or moved to Creative Speculation:
It's full of the usual suspects supporting such restrictive actions, so enter at your own risk.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)that those who so dramatically oppose alternative thought should have been born in the Dark Ages (and maybe they were).
They would be building fires, snitching, turning the rack and throwing us to the bottom of the sea.
All this in support of the only authority they recognize, the holy 'truth' tellers, the rulers of All.
(29,414 posts)and sad in its truth, too. It makes me wonder just how far we would have advanced technologically had we been more open to all those alternatives that now only show up on the "fringe" sites, and rarely establish a foothold in mainstream thought, much less get developed. We might never have had to imagine a world changed by our own pollution and greed, had we just allowed alternative thoughts to flourish and be implemented.
Sure, I just used a bunch of "weasel words" but supposition is all we have at this point. The world is changing and we've twiddled our thumbs long enough!
(1,979 posts)originated from "alternative" or natural, means. Our hunters and gatherers from as far back as prehistoric times learned the power of plants for their medicine by tasting and testing.
the world has not always been able to provide pills made in a laboratory. Natural medicine had a place in history, and it has a place in current times.
Here's the thing, you can't patent that which is grown in nature, and natural medicine cannot be reproduced (each crop or wild gathering is different due to climate conditions) and therefore, big business cannot profit from it.
It is America who is on the the short end of the stick here - most other countries in this interesting world of ours embrace alternative medicine and methods and find them extremely beneficial. Those who have a mindset such as those who post negative comments in DU... well, they are operating out of fear, not love.
I teach classes on therapeutic grade essential oils, supplements and energy. The only side effect I have ever seen happen is that the person actually feels better. The Creator in its wisdom, provided us everything we need to survive and treat our human conditions in the form of the plant kingdom and the sea below us. We have been given the keys - they are right here.
I support Western medicine where needed. I believe that man-made and natural can co-exist and both can have a place in our life. The world is evolving - all this "man made, chemical based medicine" is becoming less and less effective. All of a sudden we see commercials about how lavender will calm our systems (for example). Things are going to change because our new generations are not as fear based as the older generations. It is up to us to pass on the knowledge, just as the Shamen passed on their knowledge.
Both of my grandchildren and my daughter know what oils to grab for different conditions. They keep us healthy, they keep our home healthy.
I don't worry about those who strike out from ignorance, it is a part of our society unfortunately. Align yourself with like-minded people who appreciate the knowledge and are excited about the possibilities!
Those folks who would call themselves "skeptics", and who can be so hateful and condescending if anyone dares mention an alternative method - many times those are the people who end up calling me for help when they have exhausted all of their "lab-based", western medicine options and nothing has worked.
Shine on,
(8,423 posts)With thousands of years of natural remedies in history behind us, it seems the skeptics have memory of what came first. I also believe there is a possible balance or complimentary way to use western medicine in combination, although I didn't always think that way.
The fear-based world is slowly crumbling....
Two or three years ago I watched my local grocery store's organic aisle multiply itself by 4.
I saw that as extremely significant.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)I'm glad to hear that some of them come to you. That's awesome.
Yes, it must be fear. Nothing more powerful to provoke a reaction that their fear based world view. Otherwise, why such a violent reaction? They like to claim that they are 'concerned' or 'worried' about innocent people that are somehow abused by the natural choices they make. They show no such concern for those of us who carry the message. Being on the receiving end of hate doesn't help anyone.
The scientific method says, "That's possible". Whenever anyone says, "That's NOT possible", that is not scientific. It's an opinion.
It was in reading what David Wilcock wrote about internet trolls that helped me get over the punched-in-the-gut feeling I used to get from those types, as well as the healthy dose of "IGNORE" for some time. I knew I crossed a bridge after I dreamed about one of them. We were both eating from the same buffet. Note that symbolism!
I haven't done much study about "therapeutic grade essential oils". I have purchased a few Badger Balms, and love them! I've been using 'sleep balm' (lavender) to help recover from whiplash. I've had some blinding headaches.
(I gave you a little poke over at facebook. Doesn't look like you get over there much.) Keep in touch! So glad to see you posting here!