People..., on the bus, on the sidewalk, in the stores, all smiling, saying hello, asking, "How are you?" and slowing down to take the time to be human.
Anyone else notice this in your neck of the woods?

(2,649 posts)I had to run out to get cat food, and usually this place is busy and impersonal, but tonight people were friendly, offering to share their carts, letting people with 1 or 2 items go ahead of them, etc. It was such a refreshing change.
(8,423 posts)With significant numbers from my childhood address seen on a side of a building I passed and my name on a billboard if I had married a former beau. I wondered if there was a significant meaning.
But much more importantly just now, I shared something beautiful from my heart/soul with someone and it was/is just such a powerful feeling, this swelling in my chest and the mistiness in me eyes!
(17,045 posts)
I was trying to push my shopping cart through the slushy, snowy parking lot,
and a gentleman came up and asked if he could help me with the cart...
pushed it to my car and loaded all my groceries into the trunk.
all with a smile on his face.
(8,423 posts)Kindness Matters.