I'd greatly appreciate your suggestions...
Edit to add this!!!
And, in true ASAH style, I'd also like to ask if you could tap into me and this project...or anything I tend to work on and invest energy in, as they're really all tied together...to see if you have anything that comes to mind as a suggested way forward, even if it doesn't make sense to the average bear.
At the link is a post in GD following up on the FEMA petition I created which has close to 105k signatures. In addition to suggestions about whom to next contact about this petition (media, legislators), I'd also love your thoughts about my strong desire to parlay the attention this petition and issue are receiving into a discussion about the need for Universal Healthcare and how I may most effectively do that. I put everything on hold until after the election, and am VERY relieved (as I know many of you are) that, with the re-election of President Obama, we can move forward with these issues. Had Romney won it would have been dead in the water.
If you would kindly K&R the post in GD, I'd appreciate that as well.

Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)There may be some need to wait or to work upon it until things line up and it just goes.
(23,664 posts)
Part-time emergency employees deployed to assist in Superstorm Sandy relief efforts have won federal health benefits, the Office of Personnel Management announced Friday.
The Office of Personnel Management is issuing an interim final rule, obtained by Government Executive, to expand the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program to part-time workers with FEMA, known as reservists. The rule takes effect immediately.
The announcement comes after an online petition requesting the benefits received nearly 100,000 signatures in the 10 days since it was launched.
A May Government Accountability Office report found that reservists, who make up 57 percent of FEMAs workforce, do not receive any federal health benefits. When many of these reservists -- also known as disaster assistance employees -- were deployed in support of Sandy relief, Dena Patrick decided to take action.
The disaster assistance employees serve two-year appointments and are paid only when deployed.
Patrick -- founder of Wishadoo!, a grass-roots community organizing website -- thought FEMA employees who have been on the front lines in areas devastated by Sandy -- knocking on doors, delivering mobile homes and supervising the disbursement of more than $250 million in grants to those affected by the storm -- had earned their benefits and launched a campaign on their behalf.
And I just LOVE that they referred to Wishadoo! as a "grassroots community organizing website"!!!

Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)OneGrassRoot
(23,664 posts)I look forward to more GRACE and EASE.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)OneGrassRoot
(23,664 posts)I've never succeeded in finding good contacts for communication with the OWS peeps outside my area.
Do you have suggestions as to how I may reach the Occupy Sandy people for them to -- when anyone there has time -- add suggestions for businesses who have helped their efforts?
I want to help promote such businesses.
Thanks, FWWM.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)http://interoccupy.net/occupysandy/
on Twitter:
Occupy Wall Street @OccupyWallStNYC
From @InterOcc: Huge Data Source for Occupy Sandy Volunteers and Victims Nationwide http://ow.ly/2t26Jr
(23,664 posts)Thank you for all the links!
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 14, 2012, 07:17 PM - Edit history (5)
http://interoccupy.net/occupysandy/your-post-sandy-questions-answered/I've posted to Twitter as well with your promotion link; hopefully things will pop up!
Occupy Sandy BK
Occupy Sandy distribution & volunteer center. In the Church of St. Luke & St. Matthew. (347) 770-4520 sandy520clinton@gmail.com
520 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, NY · bit.ly/ClintonOS
theRockawaysNY @theRockawaysNY
RT Get free hot meals from food trucks! View map from mobile phone & get directions. @nycfoodtruck #Rockaway #SandyHelp http://bit.ly/UBQ0Hr
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
Karen Carlson, L.Ac. @acuforthepeople
free acupuncture for stress relief with acupuncturists without borders #sandyvolunteer #sandyaid http://www.acupuncturetoday.com/mpacms/at/article.php?id=32673
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
Rachel Ray just dropped some $500K in funds and pet food to aid animals after Sandy.
Stop The Wars @sickjew
This rocks so hard. RT @OccupySandy YANA Medical Clinic Rockaway Park, Queens #sandymedics #sandyaid
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
Occupy Sandy BK @520ClintonOS
Need help? Have #sandy questions? Call us @520clintonOS: 347-770-4520. Pls RT. #sandyaid
Retweeted by Stop The Wars
StatenIslandRecovers @SIrecovers
Elite Dental of Staten Island will provide emergency dental care as a courtesy to anyone affected by the storm: 718-370-1200.
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
Occupy Sandy @OccupySandy
Many thanks to Not An Alternative (@naa_nyc) for donating new #OccupySandy signs and safety vests! #sandyaid pic.twitter.com/FCc9PCZe
Retweeted by Stop The Wars
LISandyRecovery @LISandyRecovery
Airbnb is partnering with the City of New York to provide hurricane relief http://post.ly/9jdvz via @airbnb
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
The Lightstone Group donates free temporary space for businesses impacted by #Sandy, incl this @ProjectRunway workspace http://bit.ly/PQ5eLV
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
Foley's NY @FoleysNY
@springsteen Hurricane Sandy Relief Benefit on Thurs night with guest Bartender, David Cone! Can you spread the word! pic.twitter.com/KZF8ergS
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
The Cinnamon Snail @VeganLunchTruck
PLEASE RT: We are Serving FREE hot Vegan food & fresh donuts at 192 beach 96th street rockaway beach until 3:30 @occupysandy #sandyrelief
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
HSUS @HumaneSociety
DISASTER UPDATE: we are caring for 450+ animals in our emergency shelters, and have reunited 200+ families with their pets! #sandypets
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
(23,664 posts)Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Coney Island @ConeyIslandFun
#GivingThanks for corporate donors who have supplied #ConeyRecovers:
@wholefoods @duanereade @walgreens @freshdirect @keyfood & more!
Retweeted by NYC Sandy Needs
(23,664 posts)Thank you very much!
I was Googling, trying to find articles touting the efforts of businesses in the aftermath of Sandy, and was pleasantly surprised when I finally stumbled upon something applicable: Turns out it was my message to Interoccupy; they turned it into an article and posted it on their front page last week.
I'll follow up regarding the above. Thanks again!
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)OneGrassRoot
(23,664 posts)So I'll repeat it here and thank you again for all the fabulous information!
(2,151 posts)Great work. Thank you.
(23,664 posts)