Freya Worship
I would appreciate any thoughts or guidance on worship of the Goddess.
Presently, I have an altar, candles, incense, and oils. Also an idol, as seen
here: " target="_blank">
And, of course, heartfelt devotion...
Which includes a daily prayer, with offerings of strawberries and apple juice.
Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)At least she seems to like the amber pieces I keep around the little altar I have for her . When I pass it by I get the sensation that there needs to be another piece in her collection. I'll get another piece and that will be good for a while as we work on rearranging the pieces in different patterns. Then after a while I'll start getting the hint that we need to add to it again.
I have always felt that they (Freya, Thor, Tyr...) enjoy being treated like honored friends. That doesn't mean that I don't treat them as my deities and honor them as such. That said, I have also felt that they enjoy relating with me on a more friendly aspect much of the time, at least Freya, Tyr and Thor do - Odin, Frigga not as much.
For me, Freya and Tyr, help with dealing with my migraines when they get real bad. At those times, being formal is not so easy.
I would suggest meditating on Freya as a way to feel how she wants to relate with you and go from there. For instance, you may feel that she likes it when you are playing with your cat (just a random example). You could then think and talk to her as you play with the little kitty. From there you would begin to learn more about your connection to her and build on that. It may not take too long before you start noticing her around you during your daily routine and offering little suggestions or moral support.
I hope this helps.
(2,714 posts)I tried cuddling my cat - I think the Goddess approved.
Each morning I go into an area that has trees and other plants which provide a private area. There, I thank the Goddess for the day and the time, and make my offerings. With the strawberries, I generally divide two or three and give Her the best half, and myself the other portion. The 3 outdoor cats generally gather around and join me.
It is a good way to start the day.
Other times, I use altar work, but the idea of combining some kitten time with worship is excellent. Thank you.