Related: About this forumThe Evangelical Crack-Up (w/ Tim Alberta) Beg To Differ
Jan 12, 2024
The Atlantics Tim Alberta discusses his book on the rot within white evangelical Protestantism. The panel then considers Christies exit, Haleys chances, and what the GOP base really wants.

(12,676 posts)There's a book about it. Pick it up and read it? Okay. Now what, Johnson? Leave it to a Bushie like Mona to have to ask.
(5,073 posts)No matter how the guy wants to cut it, there are large numbers dropping membership in the evangelical churches... especially the Southern Baptist. I also don't agree that those who drop will come back later with idea more in line with the original teachings. Young people today, both religious and secular, are not as cruel as they see their parents and churches being. I don't think they'll go back... or if they do, they're completely reform the church. The guy also gave off the "persecution" vibe way too much for me. Try being a witch in today's culture, and then get back with me on that.
I also couldn't stand the pumping up of Haley. That's where the rest of it lost me. Christie, Haley... none of them are country over party. There's not a hair's breadth difference among any of the R's, IMO.
And, although it makes my stomach turn, I think we stand the best chance at 4 more years if *rump is the nominee. We've already seen how stupid the R's are... how easily they can be bought and lied to... I think I would be more afraid of those R's or I's who might see Haley as somehow more "middle of the road." Although she's anything BUT middle of the road. But she is a younger, fresh face on the national election scene. I'm worried that could be enough to turn R's heads... especially the men. The only downside she has is... she's a woman. And we know what R's think of women.
All this, just my opinion, of course... YMMV
(3,477 posts)I listen to and post these discussions with previous republicans and their friends because I find some of what they say useful, but I do take issue with some of their rationalizations and thoughts around their fellow 'conservatives'. They were blindsided by the support for Trump whereas we see them as the same as they ever were - rabid reactionaries, racists and fascists.
(3,647 posts)No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
(8,919 posts)and having said that I left the evangelical church (Baptist) when I was 17 years old based on the fact that during the civil rights movement of the 1960s most of the "Christians" I knew were unapologetic racists and in many cases I pretty sure KKk members and hypocrites. I have to say that members of my family supported these beliefs.
But the white evangelical church of today even as it claims to be less racist seems to be more of a political movement rather than a spiritual one. Just listening to these folks is stressful to me and it is hard to get away from living in the Bible Belt.