A failure of discipleship
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Pew reports that an unbelievable 30 percent of self-identified Southern Baptists think abortion should be legal in all or most cases. For the conservative Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, its 46 percent. And Pew reports that a majority54 percentof those who belong to the Presbyterian Church in America say they support legal abortion.
But, even if the numbers are as much as 15 points off, they still represent a catastrophic failure of discipleship in our churches. For a third to half of Christians in officially pro-life denominations to support legal child-killing means that there is a massive disconnect between pulpit and pew.
Churches, Roman Catholic and Protestant and evangelical, ought to confront, withhold communion, and, if necessary, excommunicate members who support abortion, even those in the governors mansions, state legislatures, and the United States Congress. The New Testament instruction on dealing with grave and unrepentant sin includes phrases like purge the evil person from among you, and even hand them over to Satan.
Does this guy realize what he is saying? If the church hands over 40% of its members to Satan, then who's going to fill the pews? Who's going to fill the coffers?