love, you know,
is something you think about
when you are lucky
not lady luck,
not something that emboldens you,
or tells you hey, I'm on a lucky streak,
hit me - like in the game of black jack,
unless of course you have taught yourself how
to read the deck,
luck in how you deal with being a human being,
You are lucky when you need love,
and then, when you get love,
Well, you appreciate love then.
I mean come on man, you don't deserve love
you think,
but then, they say, hell yes you do.
You really do, you then think.
Damn it, I feel lucky, you feel intrinsically blessed.
- but still, I must stress, it doesn't make you invincible.
You don't sell all your love to make some
giant bet. Love ain't like that at all.
remember, there is some give and take to love -
we're only human, still hopefully we strive
to understand that love is a many splendored thing,
and believe me, I've looked at love from both sides now,
from give and take, but still somehow...
the point is you're constantly seeking to understand
love as if you could bottle it - and man if you only could.
But, after that, it'd be an empty life if you only did
so for your own profit, for your own positive gratification
And oh, that's okay you'd say, I can just open up a bottle
of my own bottle of love any old time I want to.
And then, you might one day find yourself crying into that empty bottle of love
and leave it on the roadside where hikers see it the next day,
oh boy that guy was drunk on love, I just wish he would have picked
up after himself.
Oh, you know how those people are his wife said.
And then they kissed, and a car honked at them in the distance.