African American
Related: About this forumBattalora and DiAngelo: How #Antimiscegenation Created #WhiteFragility
ABOUT DR. JACQUELINE BATTALORADr. Jacqueline Battalora is an attorney and professor of sociology and criminal justice at Saint Xavier University in Chicago. She is the author of Birth of A White Nation: The Invention of White People and it's Relevance Today.
Dr. Robin DiAngelo is the author of two books, What Does It Mean To Be White: Developing Racial Literacy and Is Everyone Really Equal? An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education.
Her area of research is in Whiteness Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis, explicating how Whiteness is reproduced in everyday narratives.

(18,124 posts)favourite areas of american history. It's so sordid and hypocritical, yet typical of southern slave owning culture/british colonial Era, pre1859. The guilt laid on white women by british men for psycho-sexual dominance over their women and the lowest american class,' the Negro'. Amazing. Deep water. The dialogue technical breakup timing is/was interesting. Racial battle fatigue? PTSD everyday.
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(8,709 posts)with the two professors, "If there's no historical understanding of where this comes from" - white fragility - "then we're having a hamster on a wheel conversation," that then leads to battle fatigue and PTSD, imho. Most discussions do not include dehumanization and disappearing of wildlife were fined tuned before hitting the road with racism. How can the majority of white people ever relate to us on a visceral level when they're so far removed from their own past oppression(s)?
I have to admit though that I was surprised that the first anti-black laws in this country are rooted in sexuality.
Yeah, that technical difficulty at an important point in the conversation was weird!
(18,124 posts)except with a deep level of compassion, empathy, knowledge, principle and integrity in seeing all equal. I have met some. But not surprising still a heavy weight for minorities, AA especially, to bear.
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(8,709 posts)