African American
Related: About this forumWash Post: Racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism
'Racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism'
Money quote:
Since 1988, weve never seen such a clear correspondence between vote choice and racial perceptions.
We'll just go ahead and file this in the "Things every black person on earth has been saying for the last six months that so many keep trying to minimize and deny" column."

Sanders, Jon Stewart, other folks on the "left" who keep trying to pretend that racism had nothing to do or was some lesser factor in what happened in November, will you finally listen since it's not just "US" saying it now???

(11,099 posts)....and they think SEXISM isn't part of why she "lost"?
H E L L O?!
I'm pretty damn sure SEXISM had as much to do with it as racism.
Yet our fucking media seem to want to ignore this. WHY?
(24,544 posts)I won't mention which group but here's a hint: it's the group least affected by racism. Which is why racism is and will continue to be the first hurdle that we always have to overcome.
(5,419 posts)So 53% of 44%? And if racism was the biggest hurdle, then how did Obama get elected twice? It has already been stated that men were the biggest voting group for DT across racial lines. White men who voted, 77% for DT. I doubt highly it's the sub-group of women that were intentionally ignored.
(24,544 posts)It was minorities that put Obama into office and who turned their backs on Trump. And last I saw, a whopping 13% of black men voted for Trump.
Again, the biggest hurdle was racism. Not sexism.
(4,187 posts)I'm so tired of seeing this assumption made over and over and over. Are liberals really that clueless about feminism? Do they really think sexism is so simple as -- you're a man and you're sexist, and you're a woman and you're not sexist? The vast majority of women are sexist. The vast majority of women are more comfortable with a man in power than with a woman in power. The vast majority of women cannot stand powerful, competent, or intelligent women. There are many men who are less sexist than the majority of women.
When people stop making this argument that being a woman makes one non-sexist, I will be reassured that people are finally starting to understand sexism. Until we understand it, we cannot fight it. And we must fight misogyny together as men and women, just as we must fight racism against Black people together, regardless of the color of our skin.
(24,544 posts)So many seem so clueless about racism, I guess the answer is probably yes. They don't get sexism either.
(10,173 posts)smh.
I give up.
(308,449 posts)
(10,173 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)is the same....right on sometimes, so very off the next...I take em all with a grain of salt.
(10,173 posts)the most ridiculous thing I've ever witnessed was an interview david axelrod had with jon stewart where they discussed hillary's demeanor when speaking and her lack of open candor.
Like whatever dudes.
(91,517 posts)so he will make stupid criticisms.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)For a lot of white people, denial obviates the need for some serious soul searching.
It sure is good to see you, Number23.
(34,776 posts)Racism & lie Sherlock, even the original 1930s Dr Watson, Nigel Bruce could see that.
Charles Bukowski
(1,132 posts)John McCain's war record and surviving. Not only was Trump - - a Manhattan elitist, political novice, and sometimes Democrat - - able to get away with it, he stayed in 1st place almost wire to wire during the primaries.
Anyone who thinks his bigoted rhetoric wasn't the single biggest reason for his popularity is lying to themselves.
(1,045 posts)Thanks... Good to see you.
(90,338 posts)MAGA...make America Great Again. In fact he was saying Make Akkkerica WHITE Again. They long for those days and thought they would never end. Frightened sniveling bastards are afraid they might now reap some of what they have sowed for centuries. They voted for genocide of all the 'others'.
What is Color?
Color is all around us. It is a sensation that adds excitement and emotion to our lives. Everything from the cloths we wear, to the pictures we paint revolves around color. Without color; the world (especially RGB World) would be a much less beautiful place. Color can also be used to describe emotions; we can be red hot, feeling blue, or be green with envy.
In order to understand color we need a brief overview of light. Without light, there would be no color, and hence no RGB World. Thank God for light!
Light is made up of energy waves which are grouped together in what is called a spectrum. Light that appears white to us, such as light from the sun, is actually composed of many colors. The wavelengths of light are not colored, but produce the sensation of color.
The subtractive color system involves colorants and reflected light. Subtractive color starts with an object (often a substrate such as paper or canvas) that reflects light and uses colorants (such as pigments or dyes) to subtract portions of the white light illuminating an object to produce other colors. If an object reflects all the white light back to the viewer, it appears white. If an object absorbs (subtracts) all the light illuminating it, no light is reflected back to the viewer and it appears black. It is the subtractive process that allows everyday objects around us to show color.
Black is the adsorption of all colors. You are all of us.
So good to see you Number23
(308,449 posts)Mahalo for posting it here. I don't think it can be posted enough!
(55,050 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,556 posts)It would also help if our 'so-called' allies would stop withe the 'we have to win blue collar welders and coal guys'.
Fact - you could promise them a magic bean to bring back their jobs at $40 and hour, with full benes and a pension -
But if you run Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren dangling those two beans -
They will re-elect Trump.
Because - AMERICA!
And well - they 'roll' like that.
(42,862 posts)... and, it's good to see you again.
(45,728 posts)Given Trump's rhetoric during the campaign, both were code words for racism.
The majority of voters who had the economy as their top issue voted democratic.
Yet our wise 'progressive' commentators cling to the false narrative of 'economic anxiety' as the reason Trump won.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,676 posts)They didnt even pretend it was about economics, but NOW that is all we hear about.
Jon Stewart I dont know about, this surprises me, but Bernie Sanders proves to me over and over and over again that he has an agenda that I dont like.
I could go on and explain but it will get me in trouble.
(24,544 posts)primary motivation was for Trump voters.
When you vote for a person who regularly craps on Muslims, black folks, Hispanics and shows no regard whatsoever for women, don't be surprised when you get tarred with a brush that you may feel is unfair (but is probably 100% true even if you don't want to admit it).
(10,173 posts)No they won't listen to us. They've been ignoring the data for months now, they ain't gonna stop ignoring it.
(14,128 posts)
That NY Times video clip of his "supporters" aka deplorables was very disturbing.

(24,544 posts)politicasista
(14,128 posts)
(24,544 posts)can still keep pretending that it was "economics" that caused that imbecile to coast through on the Electoral College.
And not only have these people crawled out of the gutters where they once lived in relative quiet, but they are loud and proud as hell to be the dregs of society and to be dragging this country down with them. They are repulsive, and it gives me great pleasure to know that judging by the popular vote count, they are in the very distinct minority.
Next time we need a great candidate (at the top and for VP -- funny how few mention how weak/uninspiring Tim Kaine was as a VP choice) so that all of the minorities who proved that we are much smarter, more informed and compassionate than these imbeciles will come out in even greater numbers and stomp them back in the dirt where they belong.
(14,128 posts)Ugly stuff. On the flip side, it is nice to see that the blue city (in a red state) is protesting Trump's evil policies. (That didn't happen much with previous GOP presidents).
Maybe need an Obama II.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)hence the creation of such terms as 'economic anxiety'
(24,544 posts)Their rationale was that being gay was not "all they were" and that "economics" was their top issue. They also refused to believe that Le Pen would do the things she was actively campaigning on.
The interview took place in a restaurant and apparently, alot of the other patrons -- many of which were also gay -- were absolutely horrified at their responses. They also interviewed a gay black French man and told him about what those men said and the first thing out of his mouth was "were they white?" and sadly, the answer was yes they were. It's clear that for a lot of white people "economic anxiety" is just the latest smokescreen. What they really want is the crackdown on the inevitability of their minority status in Western countries and if they have to vote in authoritarian lunatics to make that happen, it seems alot are all to happy to do it.
(10,173 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)it was pretty horrifying
(7,619 posts)58Sunliner
(5,419 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)Though some are -- predictably -- trying to change the subject and it's now too late to do anything about anything.
(6,991 posts)Which is WHY I will never, ever be down with DEPLORABLES, now will I ever court or be in love with them.
They can go walk off a long pier: DAMN DEPLORABLES.
(98,069 posts)sexist, xenophobia
(24,480 posts)And, "make amerikka great again" is make all minorities sit in the back of the bus again, shut up and obey their white masters.
It was so obvious he was playing on the bigotry of his white voters. Those I knew who voted for him had prejudices that slipped out now and then with me. I was once told I was a good black person because I have light skin and could pass and didn't talk Ebonics like.
(159,754 posts)steve2470
(37,468 posts)irisblue
(34,776 posts)White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America. She did an hour lon
g interview on my local NPR station yesterday, taking some calls. In essence, without my having read her book myself it seems that while she has some insights into
to the racist resentment of w
hite working class(mainly) men , her emphasis is on social class migrations and resentments by the WWC of educated elites and the efforts by those elites in helping poor(AKA undeserving POC & LGBTQ) move past the blue collar working class.
I suspect like JD Vance, she will be trotted out as an explanation of how the WWC males aren't mysinogist, homophobic racists. Really just misunderstood.
(91,517 posts)it still comes down to their bigotry over poc and other minorities .
<her emphasis is on social class migrations and resentments by the WWC of educated elites and the efforts by those elites in helping poor(AKA undeserving POC & LGBTQ) move past the blue collar working class. >
(24,544 posts)Trump's shoving of the PM of Montenegro? Was around 15 Trump voters, all of them white. Far from being embarrassed about his shoving idiocy, they freaking LOVED it.
Luntz was astonished. Asked them how shoving anyone is a good thing and these mouth-breathers had the nerve to say that it showed Trump and America's "dominance" and that America was no longer "apologizing" to the world anymore. It just astonishes me to no end. The same folks who screamed about Obama's "arrogance" are applauding this cretin who shoves aside a world leader so that he can stand in front of the cameras.
The same folks that ran, not walked, RAN to swallow whole every BS lie about Obama (that he was Muslim, Kenyan, gay, socialist what the hell ever) are now suddenly deaf and blind to all of the well known, well documented cases of harassment, discrimination, fraud and even freaking ASSAULT that Trump has been charged with. But no, it ain't racism. Not at all. Never that.