African American
Related: About this forum4 'Reverse Racism' Myths That Need To Stop
26/08/2015 9:08 PM IST | Updated 11/07/2016 11:07 AM IST
Reverse racism isn't real. No, really.
The "reverse racism" card is often pulled by white people when people of color call out racism and discrimination, or create spaces for themselves (think BET) that white people aren't a part of. The impulse behind the reverse racism argument seems to be a desire to prove that people of color don't have it that bad, they're not the only ones that are put at a disadvantage or targeted because of their race. It's like the Racism Olympics. And it's patently untrue.
It really all comes down to semantics. At some point, the actual meaning of "racism" got mixed up with other aspects of racism -- prejudice, bigotry, ignorance, and so on. It's true: White people can experience prejudice from black people and other non-whites. Black people can have ignorant, backwards ideas about white people, as well as other non-white races. No one is trying to deny that. But racism is far more complex.
Before you cry outrage and send me a nasty email about how reverse racist this article is, calm down. Listen.
This scene from 2013's "Dear White People" breaks down the concept pretty succinctly:
Some people simplify racism as one group not liking another, and think "racist" and "prejudiced" are interchangeable. But racism is a concept that operates on both an individual and institutional level.
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An old article that bears repeating, especially in the age of our new Fuhrer. In fact he is mentioned toward the end of the piece.

Response to sheshe2 (Original post)
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(90,322 posts)And by quoting King does not make your point at all. Of course he would like them judged by their character and not skin color yet after all these years they still are.
Response to sheshe2 (Reply #3)
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(3,313 posts)What's up with your sig line?
(47,209 posts)Well isn''t that special.
(90,322 posts)Dayum. He joined 12/05/16 and waited almost 2 months to make his first post in AA. Lol!
(47,209 posts)Same old same old. MIRT saw that coming!
(90,322 posts)Idiotic stuff about how it's racist to talk about racism because POC are diverse dontcha know!

(42,607 posts)Everyone has the human condition--Racism is the special sauce in unequal power dynamics. Which, in.lAmerica means white people have an unequal proportion of power
(90,322 posts)Missed that part. Trolls are strolling!
(189,234 posts)Rec'd
(73,759 posts)Is like talking to a wall.
The worst part is their inability to comprehend how utterly uninformed they are on matters of race, and then they try to compensate for that ignorance by exercising their own white privilege.
(48,730 posts)And I try to say it when their kids are listening, because that's who I'm really talking to.
(73,759 posts)Then that way we could move on to an examination of inherent biases
(18,124 posts)is the real american salvation. Hopefully it will be enough to topple this administration before the 'false flag' operations begin to justify their coming crackdown on americans and our freedoms by these 21st century nazis. As long as the net lasts and we keep telling the truth we will stay ahead of the curve and can lead the way out of this morass. The 'swamp' has not been drained, these ameriKKKans have made it much larger and its starting to stink up the whole world.
(90,322 posts)we need to do this loudly, often and in numbers. Pleased to see the newest global protest
on the Muslim ban. This sprung up instantly. Here in Boston not only was Logan mobbed...on Sunday at Copley Sq there was a protest that was 20K strong. Both my Senators, Rep and the Mayor were there as well, only the Governor R was a no show. We can not back down. This is a fight for our democracy and our very lives, heaven.